Michael Brooks
In general I've found Ruby 1.9.1 to be 2 times faster than 1.8.6 and
roughly the same speed as Python 2.8 which is great... thanks guys,
great job!
However, in one case, when using a regular expressions (posted here by
someone a long time ago) which I use to determine what numbers in
0..10000 are prime numbers, version 1.9.1 was at least 6.5 times slower
(1.8.6 = 67 secs, 1.9.1 = 457 secs).
The regular express is:
((("1" * self) =~ /^1$|^(11+?)\1+$/) == nil)
which I've used in different versions of my program running either on
its own or as part of an overloading function as follows:
# Add an "is_prime?" method to the built-in numeric class
# which returns true if the number is a prime number.
class Fixnum
def is_prime?
((("1" * self) =~ /^1$|^(11+?)\1+$/) == nil)
I also have a version of the prime-number calculation program that which
doesn't use the above regex (i.e. it uses a traditional brute force
approach instead) and it runs 2 times faster in 1.9.1. In 1.9.1 the
regex gets exponentially worse as the number being evaluated exceeding
Does anyone know why the regex in 1.9.1 is so much slower than 1.8.6?
Thank You,
In general I've found Ruby 1.9.1 to be 2 times faster than 1.8.6 and
roughly the same speed as Python 2.8 which is great... thanks guys,
great job!
However, in one case, when using a regular expressions (posted here by
someone a long time ago) which I use to determine what numbers in
0..10000 are prime numbers, version 1.9.1 was at least 6.5 times slower
(1.8.6 = 67 secs, 1.9.1 = 457 secs).
The regular express is:
((("1" * self) =~ /^1$|^(11+?)\1+$/) == nil)
which I've used in different versions of my program running either on
its own or as part of an overloading function as follows:
# Add an "is_prime?" method to the built-in numeric class
# which returns true if the number is a prime number.
class Fixnum
def is_prime?
((("1" * self) =~ /^1$|^(11+?)\1+$/) == nil)
I also have a version of the prime-number calculation program that which
doesn't use the above regex (i.e. it uses a traditional brute force
approach instead) and it runs 2 times faster in 1.9.1. In 1.9.1 the
regex gets exponentially worse as the number being evaluated exceeding
Does anyone know why the regex in 1.9.1 is so much slower than 1.8.6?
Thank You,