I understood the 3-tier application but i have some questions
Step- UI->Business Process Layer
1.Howt to Pass the data from UI to middle layer
a. object.property=textbox.value
b. create middle tier as sqlobjectsource/Data Table
3. array/test/xml file
2. From Middle Layer to Data Layer
a. how to pass data
b. how to process data (add/edit/deete)
i. Stored Procedure
ii Ado.net
which is the best way
I understood the 3-tier application but i have some questions
Step- UI->Business Process Layer
1.Howt to Pass the data from UI to middle layer
a. object.property=textbox.value
b. create middle tier as sqlobjectsource/Data Table
3. array/test/xml file
2. From Middle Layer to Data Layer
a. how to pass data
b. how to process data (add/edit/deete)
i. Stored Procedure
ii Ado.net
which is the best way