I setup a new win03 64bit box. Specifically because sql reports rendered
locally with the asp.net 2.0 report viewer control would crash because of
memory problems in the worker process (very important).
Anyway we normally deploy from a 32 bit development machine to the server
using a command like:
aspnet_compiler -v %virtualPath% -p %sourcePath% -f %destinationPath% -c
After reading a slew of kb articles I am still at a loss on how to compile
the application and how to setup IIS.
I don't see a command line switch for x64.
The issues on IIS are:
On 64-bit Windows, the World Wide Web Publishing service does not support
running 32-bit and 64-bit worker processes concurrently on the same server.
Do I need to configure the server to run 32 bit?
Do I need to specify what .net DLL is allowed in the IIS web service
extensions tab of the admin tool.
How do I configure IIS.
locally with the asp.net 2.0 report viewer control would crash because of
memory problems in the worker process (very important).
Anyway we normally deploy from a 32 bit development machine to the server
using a command like:
aspnet_compiler -v %virtualPath% -p %sourcePath% -f %destinationPath% -c
After reading a slew of kb articles I am still at a loss on how to compile
the application and how to setup IIS.
I don't see a command line switch for x64.
The issues on IIS are:
On 64-bit Windows, the World Wide Web Publishing service does not support
running 32-bit and 64-bit worker processes concurrently on the same server.
Do I need to configure the server to run 32 bit?
Do I need to specify what .net DLL is allowed in the IIS web service
extensions tab of the admin tool.
How do I configure IIS.