Yup, absolutely right. Herman Hollerith's original punch cards for a
late 19th century census were 80 columns wide, and that set a standard
that lasted many decades. The "IBM cards" that everybody used in the
1950s / 1970s were actually 80-character Hollerith cards. The original
character-mode, CRT terminals were 80-characters wide, to mimic the
Not so. Hollerith's original cards went through several formats, finally
settling on 45 columns with round holes. In 1928, IBM changed to narrow,
rectangular holes (which could be better read by the new brush
technology) and 80 columns. At about the same time, Remington Rand,
IBM's only meaningful competitor, kept 45 physical columns and round
holes, but went to two tiers, for 90 effective columns. (In 1969, IBM
introduced miniature, three-tier, 96-column cards for the System/3,
returning to round holes for optical reading.)
Further note: the IBM 704 computer read cards in binary, as two 36-bit
words for each row. Two times 36, of course, is 72, not 80. The card
reader could be wired to read any 72 columns, but 1-72 was, obviously,
the most common. FORTRAN was originally designed for the 704, and
consequently made no use of columns 73-80. Programmers grew into the
habit of using those columns for card sequence numbers, so that a
dropped deck could be put back into order. This convention immediately
became so popular that, for the duration of the punched-card era,
virtually all compilers, interpreters, etc., for virtually all
languages, utilities, etc., were normally set to use only columns 1-72;
if they paid attention to columns 73-80 at all, it would be only to
check for ascending numbers and print a warning if the sequence should
be wrong.