I'm writing a small Gtk2 program to convert between bases. I'm getting
a strange error when i run my code:
Use of uninitialized value in exponentiation (**) at ./radix line 216.
Use of uninitialized value in exponentiation (**) at ./radix line 190.
The strange thing is, sometimes I get it, sometimes I don't. Anyone
have any insight into what's causing it?
Second question. How do you append text to a textbuffer without
overwriting it?
Also, while I'm here, I wouldn't mind some constructive criticism on my
coding style. Any input would be appreciated.
Here is the offending code.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Gtk2;
set_locale Gtk2;
init Gtk2;
my $true=1;
#####superfluous variable declarations cut out #####
my $vscrollbar;
my %radixFrameHash =( 'Decimal:'=>$decOut,
'Binary:' =>$binOut,
'Hex:' =>$hexOut,
'Octal:' =>$octOut,
'ASCII:' =>$asciiOut,
my $num_rows = 5;
my $num_columns = 10;
my $homogeneous = $true;
$window = new Gtk2::Window("toplevel");
$window->set_default_size(470, 650 );
$window->set_title( "Radix" );
$vbox = new Gtk2::VBox($true,0);
$hbox = new Gtk2::HBox($false,0);
#Create Entry label and inputbox
$label = new Gtk2::Label('Input: ');
$entry = new Gtk2::Entry();
$entry->signal_connect("activate", \&input_callback, $entry);
#Start packing that box. hehehe. dirty perl.
$button = new Gtk2::Button("enter");
$button = new Gtk2::Button("clear");
#Create Message/Error Text Box
$text_view = new Gtk2::TextView();
$buffer = new Gtk2::TextBuffer();
$buffer = $text_view->get_buffer;
$frame = new Gtk2::Frame("Messages");
#$vscrollbar = new Gtk::VScrollbar( $text->vadj );
$text_view->set_editable ($false);
main Gtk2;
#-----------------Sub routines--------------------#
#-------------Main Conversion Routine-------------#
sub input_callback{
my $dec = $entry->get_text();
my $virgin = $dec;
my @binary;
if ($dec==0){
unshift @binary,0;
while ($dec >= 1 ){
if ($dec==0){
unshift @binary,0;
if ($dec==1){
unshift @binary,1;
$dec = $dec / 2;
if ($dec % 2){
unshift @binary, 1;
$dec = $dec / 2;
unshift @binary, 0;
$dec = $dec / 2;
}#top else
$radixFrameHash{'ASCII:'}->set_text(chr $virgin);
#$text_view->set_buffer ("converting decimal number to binary");
}#input callback
#-------------Main Conversion Routine-------------#
#-------------Create and fill Frames--------------#
sub popOutputFrame{
my $table = new Gtk2::Table( $num_rows, $num_columns, $homogeneous);
my $frame = new Gtk2::Frame("Output");
my $vbox = new Gtk2::VBox($false,0);
my $key;
my $value;
my $temp;
my $j =0;
my $row = \$j; #row contains pointer to value stored in $j
my $spacing = 10;
while(($key,$value) = each %radixFrameHash){
$hbox = new Gtk2::HBox($false,0);
$label = new Gtk2::Label($key);
$radixFrameHash{$key} = new Gtk2::Entry();
$temp = $radixFrameHash{$key};
$table->attach_defaults( $label, 0, 1, $j, $j+1 );
$table->attach_defaults( $temp, 1, 10, $j, $j+1 );
$table->set_row_spacing ($$row, $spacing);
return ($frame);
#-------------Create and fill Frames--------------#
#-------------Binary 2 Hex--------------#
sub bin2hex{
my $sum;
my $base;
my $loop;
my $hex = " ";
$buffer->set_text("printing b2h inital \@_: @_");
while($loop < 9){
$sum += ($loop) * (pop (@_)**2);
$loop *= 2;
if($sum > 9){
$sum = chr($sum + 55);
$hex = $sum.$hex;
}#outer while
#-------------Binary 2 Hex--------------#
#-------------Binary 2 Octal--------------#
sub bin2oct{
my $sum;
my $base;
my $loop;
my $oct = " ";
$buffer->set_text("printing b20 inital \@_: @_");
while($loop < 5){
$sum += ($loop) * (pop (@_)**2);
$loop *= 2;
$oct = $sum.$oct;
}#outer while
#-------------Binary 2 Octal--------------#
a strange error when i run my code:
Use of uninitialized value in exponentiation (**) at ./radix line 216.
Use of uninitialized value in exponentiation (**) at ./radix line 190.
The strange thing is, sometimes I get it, sometimes I don't. Anyone
have any insight into what's causing it?
Second question. How do you append text to a textbuffer without
overwriting it?
Also, while I'm here, I wouldn't mind some constructive criticism on my
coding style. Any input would be appreciated.
Here is the offending code.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Gtk2;
set_locale Gtk2;
init Gtk2;
my $true=1;
#####superfluous variable declarations cut out #####
my $vscrollbar;
my %radixFrameHash =( 'Decimal:'=>$decOut,
'Binary:' =>$binOut,
'Hex:' =>$hexOut,
'Octal:' =>$octOut,
'ASCII:' =>$asciiOut,
my $num_rows = 5;
my $num_columns = 10;
my $homogeneous = $true;
$window = new Gtk2::Window("toplevel");
$window->set_default_size(470, 650 );
$window->set_title( "Radix" );
$vbox = new Gtk2::VBox($true,0);
$hbox = new Gtk2::HBox($false,0);
#Create Entry label and inputbox
$label = new Gtk2::Label('Input: ');
$entry = new Gtk2::Entry();
$entry->signal_connect("activate", \&input_callback, $entry);
#Start packing that box. hehehe. dirty perl.
$button = new Gtk2::Button("enter");
$button = new Gtk2::Button("clear");
#Create Message/Error Text Box
$text_view = new Gtk2::TextView();
$buffer = new Gtk2::TextBuffer();
$buffer = $text_view->get_buffer;
$frame = new Gtk2::Frame("Messages");
#$vscrollbar = new Gtk::VScrollbar( $text->vadj );
$text_view->set_editable ($false);
main Gtk2;
#-----------------Sub routines--------------------#
#-------------Main Conversion Routine-------------#
sub input_callback{
my $dec = $entry->get_text();
my $virgin = $dec;
my @binary;
if ($dec==0){
unshift @binary,0;
while ($dec >= 1 ){
if ($dec==0){
unshift @binary,0;
if ($dec==1){
unshift @binary,1;
$dec = $dec / 2;
if ($dec % 2){
unshift @binary, 1;
$dec = $dec / 2;
unshift @binary, 0;
$dec = $dec / 2;
}#top else
$radixFrameHash{'ASCII:'}->set_text(chr $virgin);
#$text_view->set_buffer ("converting decimal number to binary");
}#input callback
#-------------Main Conversion Routine-------------#
#-------------Create and fill Frames--------------#
sub popOutputFrame{
my $table = new Gtk2::Table( $num_rows, $num_columns, $homogeneous);
my $frame = new Gtk2::Frame("Output");
my $vbox = new Gtk2::VBox($false,0);
my $key;
my $value;
my $temp;
my $j =0;
my $row = \$j; #row contains pointer to value stored in $j
my $spacing = 10;
while(($key,$value) = each %radixFrameHash){
$hbox = new Gtk2::HBox($false,0);
$label = new Gtk2::Label($key);
$radixFrameHash{$key} = new Gtk2::Entry();
$temp = $radixFrameHash{$key};
$table->attach_defaults( $label, 0, 1, $j, $j+1 );
$table->attach_defaults( $temp, 1, 10, $j, $j+1 );
$table->set_row_spacing ($$row, $spacing);
return ($frame);
#-------------Create and fill Frames--------------#
#-------------Binary 2 Hex--------------#
sub bin2hex{
my $sum;
my $base;
my $loop;
my $hex = " ";
$buffer->set_text("printing b2h inital \@_: @_");
while($loop < 9){
$sum += ($loop) * (pop (@_)**2);
$loop *= 2;
if($sum > 9){
$sum = chr($sum + 55);
$hex = $sum.$hex;
}#outer while
#-------------Binary 2 Hex--------------#
#-------------Binary 2 Octal--------------#
sub bin2oct{
my $sum;
my $base;
my $loop;
my $oct = " ";
$buffer->set_text("printing b20 inital \@_: @_");
while($loop < 5){
$sum += ($loop) * (pop (@_)**2);
$loop *= 2;
$oct = $sum.$oct;
}#outer while
#-------------Binary 2 Octal--------------#