John said:
I'm mildly confused by your example. __coerce__()
converts the arguements to a common type, and then
presumably requests that type to do the operation. That
type might not be one of the two original types!
It's not the same thing as the __op__, __rop__
pair. That simply allows the right object to do the
operation if the left object can't.
.... def __init__(self, fetch, *args, **kwargs):
.... def _fetch():
.... v = long(fetch(*args, **kwargs))
.... self.value = lambda: v
.... return v
.... self.value = _fetch
.... def __long__(self): return self.value()
.... def __int__(self): return int(self.value())
.... def __str__(self): return str(self.value())
.... def __coerce__(self, other):
.... if isinstance(other, (int, long)):
.... return type(other)(self.value()), other
.... 9
Can't add two of them without __add__ & co, but can do just about
everything else just by writing four small methods.
If I do include __add__ & co, they won't all have to coerce the
arguments 'by hand', or worry about what to do if they don't know
how to add the type of argument they received.
Without __coerce__, what should __add__(self, other) do if it doesn't
know how to add the arguments, but the other argument might know how?
It can't just call other.__radd__(self): That might give up and call
__add__ again.
In some cases it might help to call coerce() by hand, but I note the
ref manual says 'In Python 3.0, coercion will not be supported.'.
The notion of type coercion makes a great deal of sense
in languages such as C, where you have 8 integer types
and 3 float types, but abstracting it out as a separate
operation makes very little sense in Python, where you
have 3 numeric types (int, long and float) and two string
types (normal and unicode). The overhead of doing
coercion as a separate operation simply doesn't make
a lot of sense.
Well, I was thinking of types like the above, which emulate
numeric types. The case which got me started was one which
emulates the DECIMAL (or NUMERIC) SQL type in
At least, that's the way I understand it. Section 3.3.8
(Coercion Rules) of the 2.3 Language Reference gives
the official reasons for moving away from doing coercion
as part of operations. It simply got to complex to
document properly.
I noticed that; I hadn't realized it was the argument for disabling
coercion completey.