A Poll



Hello group. Please take a minute to satisfy my idle curiousity. I'll
tabulate and post the results in a few days. Two questions:

1. Do you use Ruby in your "day job"?
a.) Yes! Lots!
b.) Some.
c.) I little bit when I can get away with it.
d.) I wish!

2. What are your one or two principal programming languages other than

I'll go first.

1. c.)

2. C# and Java

Matthew Margolis

jeem said:
Hello group. Please take a minute to satisfy my idle curiousity. I'll
tabulate and post the results in a few days. Two questions:

1. Do you use Ruby in your "day job"?
a.) Yes! Lots!
b.) Some.
c.) I little bit when I can get away with it.
d.) I wish!

2. What are your one or two principal programming languages other than

I'll go first.

1. c.)

2. C# and Java

1. 'a' (rails based web applications mostly)
2. PHP and Java

-Matthew Margolis

Charles Mills

jeem said:
Hello group. Please take a minute to satisfy my idle curiousity. I'll
tabulate and post the results in a few days. Two questions:

1. Do you use Ruby in your "day job"?
a.) Yes! Lots!
b.) Some.
c.) I little bit when I can get away with it.
d.) I wish!

2. What are your one or two principal programming languages other than

1. b)
2. C, SAS, VB.


Glenn Smith

1. started with 'c', moved to 'b' but hoping to move to 'a' :eek:) I'm
planning to make ruby and rails my 1st choice of development tool!

2. Visual Basic (6) and PL/SQL

Dane Jensen

Hello group. Please take a minute to satisfy my idle curiousity. I'll
tabulate and post the results in a few days. Two questions:

1. Do you use Ruby in your "day job"?
a.) Yes! Lots!
b.) Some.
c.) I little bit when I can get away with it.
d.) I wish!

'd' with an eye towards moving to 'c' or hopefully 'a'.
2. What are your one or two principal programming languages other than

Python (for Zope).

pat eyler

Hello group. Please take a minute to satisfy my idle curiousity. I'll
tabulate and post the results in a few days. Two questions:

1. Do you use Ruby in your "day job"?
a.) Yes! Lots!
b.) Some.
c.) I little bit when I can get away with it.
d.) I wish!

b (wishing I could do a)
2. What are your one or two principal programming languages other than

2. perl and sh (learning a bit of C and C++)

Jacob Fugal

1. Do you use Ruby in your "day job"?
a.) Yes! Lots!
b.) Some.
c.) I little bit when I can get away with it.
d.) I wish!

c and d. I use it for scripting (automating maintenance, etc.) and
would love to somehow squeeze it into the code actually produced.
2. What are your one or two principal programming languages other than

At work: Perl, perl and more perl. Although I get to play with C code
right now, it's as a means to get perl bindings.

Everywhere else: C/C++ (but rarely nowadays, since I use ruby whenever

Jacob Fugal

Guillaume Marcais

Hello group. Please take a minute to satisfy my idle curiousity. I'll
tabulate and post the results in a few days. Two questions:

1. Do you use Ruby in your "day job"?
a.) Yes! Lots!
b.) Some.
c.) I little bit when I can get away with it.
d.) I wish!

2. What are your one or two principal programming languages other than

1. a.)
2. C

Jason Sweat

Hello group. Please take a minute to satisfy my idle curiousity. I'll
tabulate and post the results in a few days. Two questions:

1. Do you use Ruby in your "day job"?
a.) Yes! Lots!
b.) Some.
c.) I little bit when I can get away with it.
d.) I wish!

2. What are your one or two principal programming languages other than

1. c

2.primarily php, PL/SQL, bash/ksh scripting


Lothar Scholz

Hello jeem,

j> Hello group. Please take a minute to satisfy my idle curiousity. I'll
j> tabulate and post the results in a few days. Two questions:

j> 1. Do you use Ruby in your "day job"?
j> a.) Yes! Lots!
j> b.) Some.
j> c.) I little bit when I can get away with it.
j> d.) I wish!

j> 2. What are your one or two principal programming languages other than
j> Ruby?

1 b)
2) Eiffel, C++

Eric Hodel

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Hello group. Please take a minute to satisfy my idle curiousity. I'll
tabulate and post the results in a few days. Two questions:

1. Do you use Ruby in your "day job"?

a.) Yes! Lots!
2. What are your one or two principal programming languages other than

/bin/sh & friends

Eric Hodel - (e-mail address removed) - http://segment7.net
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Premshree Pillai

Hello group. Please take a minute to satisfy my idle curiousity. I'll
tabulate and post the results in a few days. Two questions:

1. Do you use Ruby in your "day job"?
a.) Yes! Lots!
b.) Some.
c.) I little bit when I can get away with it.
d.) I wish!

d.) I wish! :-(
2. What are your one or two principal programming languages other than

PHP (work), C (extensions, etc.), Ruby otherwise

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