This is an example for all the folks new to perl that are
looking for a way to connect to a server and retrieve some
This program will connect to a newserver, download the list
of newsgroups, and then print it to the screen.
Note: You may not want to do this on a dialup connection.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use IO::Socket;
# server to contact must be first arg from command line
# eg: getnews news.creativelabs.com
my $NewsServer = $ARGV[0];
# make sure an argument was given
if (length ($NewsServer) < 1)
die ("arg0 == server to connect to. quitting");
# the main subroutine returns the list of newsgroups
sub Main()
my $buf = "";
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET (PeerAddr => $NewsServer, PeerPort
=> '119', Proto => 'tcp') || die "$!\n";
my $data = "";
my $bytes = 0;
# connect to news server
print "connecting to $NewsServer\n";
# send list command
# read list
while (1)
# read a chunk of data
$data = "";
$sock->recv ($data, 1024, 0);
$bytes = length ($data);
# append data to buffer
$buf = $buf.$data;
# read until "dot" all by itelf as in RFC0977
# we search for \r\n.\r\n cuz the buffer itself
# may end with a dot in the middle of the listing
if ($data =~ m/\x0d\x0a.\x0d\x0a$/)
# send quit command to server
# close socket to server
return ($buf);
# print buffer results
print "".Main();
looking for a way to connect to a server and retrieve some
This program will connect to a newserver, download the list
of newsgroups, and then print it to the screen.
Note: You may not want to do this on a dialup connection.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use IO::Socket;
# server to contact must be first arg from command line
# eg: getnews news.creativelabs.com
my $NewsServer = $ARGV[0];
# make sure an argument was given
if (length ($NewsServer) < 1)
die ("arg0 == server to connect to. quitting");
# the main subroutine returns the list of newsgroups
sub Main()
my $buf = "";
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET (PeerAddr => $NewsServer, PeerPort
=> '119', Proto => 'tcp') || die "$!\n";
my $data = "";
my $bytes = 0;
# connect to news server
print "connecting to $NewsServer\n";
# send list command
# read list
while (1)
# read a chunk of data
$data = "";
$sock->recv ($data, 1024, 0);
$bytes = length ($data);
# append data to buffer
$buf = $buf.$data;
# read until "dot" all by itelf as in RFC0977
# we search for \r\n.\r\n cuz the buffer itself
# may end with a dot in the middle of the listing
if ($data =~ m/\x0d\x0a.\x0d\x0a$/)
# send quit command to server
# close socket to server
return ($buf);
# print buffer results
print "".Main();