Hello All,
I am reading the code of Tail for win32 (which is from
http://sourceforge.net/projects/tailforwin32/), and I see something I
never before. For example:
void LogMessage (char* pszMessage, ...)
I cannot understad the "..." thing in the param....can you guys
explain the meaning of that, or point me the direction....I tried to
search on google...but the "..." thing seems igroned on search...

thanks guys,
I am reading the code of Tail for win32 (which is from
http://sourceforge.net/projects/tailforwin32/), and I see something I
never before. For example:
void LogMessage (char* pszMessage, ...)
I cannot understad the "..." thing in the param....can you guys
explain the meaning of that, or point me the direction....I tried to
search on google...but the "..." thing seems igroned on search...
thanks guys,