About Efficient c++



Hi i am new to this group and to c++ also though i have the knowledge
of "c" and now want to learn c++ and data structure using c/c++ .
so could nebody please suggest me some tips(books,links,&experiences)
so that i can be an EFFICIENT programmer of c++.
Also i want to ask that how can we develope efficient codes and what
are various techniques for writing code sin efficient manner.
Please help me.

Victor Bazarov

sandeep said:
Hi i am new to this group and to c++ also though i have the knowledge
of "c" and now want to learn c++ and data structure using c/c++ .
so could nebody please suggest me some tips(books,links,&experiences)
so that i can be an EFFICIENT programmer of c++.
Also i want to ask that how can we develope efficient codes and what
are various techniques for writing code sin efficient manner.

Consider this: being an efficient programmer is not the same as writing
efficient code. I would strongly recommend getting a good book on C++
(like "Accelerated C++") and learning the language based on the problems
it solves. Along with a beginner text, get yourself an OOD book which
might even change how you approach solving problems. There are many good
books on those subjects (and they are related, of course). Check out
www.accu.org for their book review section.



Thank you sir , but i want to confirm that i have knowledge of only 'c'
so would that book be fine for me.
thaks for ur reply again

Donovan Rebbechi

Thank you sir , but i want to confirm that i have knowledge of only 'c'
so would that book be fine for me.

Yes, Accelerated C++ would be an excellent choice for you. It's concise, it
doesn't assume any background knowledge, but it also doesn't spend 500 pages
explaining how to program in C (which is what most C++ books do). The fact
that it minimizes coverage of the "C subset" makes it a great choice for C
programmers who are unfamiliar with C++.


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