Ruby said:
I have two questions,
1. what's the difference between class method and module method?
a class method well belongs to the class =P
there can only be one class method, you don't need to create an
object(instance) to call a class method
a module method is a way to package methods using namespacing,
a module is not a like a class, you can create instance of a class but
not a module
more on modules:
2. when I say: Dir.pwd, is this a class method or a module method? How
to know if Dir is a module or a class?
use ri to display class information, it clearly states 'pwd' is a class
type 'ri Dir' at the prompt,
type 'ri' alone to find out how to use it
yadav@KubuntuX64:$ ri Dir
------------------------------------------------------------- Class: Dir
Objects of class +Dir+ are directory streams representing
directories in the underlying file system. They provide a variety
of ways to list directories and their contents. See also +File+.
Class methods:
[], chdir, chroot, delete, entries, foreach, getwd, glob, mkdir,
mktmpdir, new, open, pwd, rmdir, tmpdir, unlink
Kind Regards,
Rajinder Yadav
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