under /home/wolf/ttt, I have program h1.pm
package h1;
require Exporter;
our @EXPORT = qw($aaa1);
sub abc{
print "abc";
under /home/wolf, I have program "h2"
use ttt::h1;
print $ttt::h1::aaa1;
But how come the statement print $ttt::h1::aaa1; does not print
anything out?
package h1;
require Exporter;
our @EXPORT = qw($aaa1);
sub abc{
print "abc";
under /home/wolf, I have program "h2"
use ttt::h1;
print $ttt::h1::aaa1;
But how come the statement print $ttt::h1::aaa1; does not print
anything out?