Richard said:
Either way, what have you gained? As soon as you have access functions
returning references, you've exposed the implementation, and might just
as well have made the member data public in the first place.
The difference is that the member is still an array, but when accessing
it, you don't have to write myvec.a[2], but rather myvec.z(), which shows
the intent much more clearly.
But in both cases the implementation is exposed, you're committed to
maintaining some kind of member which can be returned as a reference,
and you lose the opportunity to perform contract-enforcement checks on
any value that gets assigned to it.
That's right. However, I'm just viewing this from another perspective, since
I have done similar things, too, for realtime 3D graphics using OpenGL. In
my case, the class needed to be as efficient as possible, since there will
be millions of instances of it, and every second, millions of operations on
instances of it need to be executed. In addition to that, OpenGL is a C API
that wants pointers to raw arrays of float, so the data needs to be exposed
and needs to be in the form of an array.