Otto Wyss
I always have trouble how I can access any field from the DOM with
Javascript, how to formulate the right syntax. E.g. I'd like to test if
a button in a form was clicked.
function test1 (t) {
var bnt = t....???
function test2 (t) {
var bnt = t....???
<form name="login" onsubmit=test1(this) ...
<table ...
<input type="submit" name="logon" ... onclick=test2(this)...
What's the right Javascript syntax to access the button in the onsubmit
case and the onclick case?
Is there a better tool than DomInspector (Mozilla) which is able to to
show a field in Javascript notation?
Is there a description on the web which explains how to access any field
with Javascript?
O. Wyss
Javascript, how to formulate the right syntax. E.g. I'd like to test if
a button in a form was clicked.
function test1 (t) {
var bnt = t....???
function test2 (t) {
var bnt = t....???
<form name="login" onsubmit=test1(this) ...
<table ...
<input type="submit" name="logon" ... onclick=test2(this)...
What's the right Javascript syntax to access the button in the onsubmit
case and the onclick case?
Is there a better tool than DomInspector (Mozilla) which is able to to
show a field in Javascript notation?
Is there a description on the web which explains how to access any field
with Javascript?
O. Wyss