"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it
I agree whole-heartedly with Ben's sentiments here, although I can also
point out by example why it might be useful for a function to know it's
own name:
def Ackermann(i, j):
"""Returns the Ackermann function of integers i and j.
The Ackermann function is an example of a function which grows at a
much faster than exponential rate. Ackermann(i, j) for i > 2 grows
even more quickly than 2**2**2**...**2 (where there are j exponents).
It is an example of a recursive function which is not primitively
recursive and was discovered by the German mathematician Wilhelm
Ackermann in 1928.
The Ackermann function is not defined for i,j <= 0.
and 'Introduction to Algorithms' by Thomas H Cormen, Charles E
Leiserson, Ronald L Rivest, pp. 451-453.
if i < 0 or j < 0:
raise ValueError(
"arguments to the Ackermann function must be positive")
if i == 1:
return 2**j
if j == 1:
return Ackermann(i-1, 2)
return Ackermann(i-1, Ackermann(i, j-1))
Notice that if you change the name of the function, you have to change it
in no less than three places in the function definition and four places
in the __doc__ string, but a global search and replace is too greedy and
will change too much. As a general principle, it is considered best
practice to code in such a way that if you change something, you only need
to change it in one place.
I guess that the Original Poster wants some magic that allows functions to
do this:
def Ackermann(i, j):
"""Returns the Ackermann function of integers i and j.
The Ackermann function is an example of a function which grows at a
much faster than exponential rate. %MAGIC(i, j) for i > 2 grows
even more quickly than 2**2**2**...**2 (where there are j exponents).
It is an example of a recursive function which is not primitively
recursive and was discovered by the German mathematician Wilhelm
Ackermann in 1928.
The Ackermann function is not defined for i,j <= 0.
and 'Introduction to Algorithms' by Thomas H Cormen, Charles E
Leiserson, Ronald L Rivest, pp. 451-453.
if i < 0 or j < 0:
raise ValueError(
"arguments to the Ackermann function must be positive")
if i == 1:
return 2**j
if j == 1:
return %MAGIC(i-1, 2)
return %MAGIC(i-1, %MAGIC(i, j-1))