I create a div in which i insert an iframe. The iframe itself gets
populated by the pbm_forms target submit.
All this happens fine, and I get the IFrame with the required content.
The problem is that I want to be able to close the containerDiv (hide
it using css) from within the IFrame. Unfortunately I am having
permission issues and can't seem to figure out how I can close the
IFrames containing div from within the IFrame.
My code for creating the iframe and populating it is below
var containerDiv = parent.document.createElement("div");
containerDiv.innerHTML = '<iframe src="about:blank"
allowtransparency="true" marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 scrolling="no"
frameborder=0 width =' + iframe_width + ' height=' + iframe_height + '
name="main_iframe" id="main_iframe"></iframe>' + "<form id=\"pbm_form
\" name=\"pbm_form\" target=\"main_iframe\""
+ "</form></div><div class='clearer'><!-- --></div><div
id='pbm_lbox_footer'><!-- --></div>";
containerDiv.id = "main_container";
Thank you for your time and help
populated by the pbm_forms target submit.
All this happens fine, and I get the IFrame with the required content.
The problem is that I want to be able to close the containerDiv (hide
it using css) from within the IFrame. Unfortunately I am having
permission issues and can't seem to figure out how I can close the
IFrames containing div from within the IFrame.
My code for creating the iframe and populating it is below
var containerDiv = parent.document.createElement("div");
containerDiv.innerHTML = '<iframe src="about:blank"
allowtransparency="true" marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 scrolling="no"
frameborder=0 width =' + iframe_width + ' height=' + iframe_height + '
name="main_iframe" id="main_iframe"></iframe>' + "<form id=\"pbm_form
\" name=\"pbm_form\" target=\"main_iframe\""
+ "</form></div><div class='clearer'><!-- --></div><div
id='pbm_lbox_footer'><!-- --></div>";
containerDiv.id = "main_container";
Thank you for your time and help