Action vs Controller



This is a question on architecture.

In java we have two options on how to implement event handling
* First is to subclass AbstractAction, define all action handling
logic within this subclass and then initialize all GUI controls with
an object of this subclass or call setAction on controls.
* Second is to implement MVC pattern and put all action logic and
*any* other handling event logic into the Controller class.

As you can see the only difference between option #1 and option #2 is
that Controller is more versatile that AbstractAction subClass.

I would like to ask your opinion on which option do you think is
better for a generic GUI application? I understand that the decision
highly depends on the exact task, but imagine your task is to develop
quite a small GUI app with just one static JMenuBar and a few GUI
controls on the main JFrame window. Also you would probably want to
develop further in the future.


Mark Space

Royan said:
In java we have two options on how to implement event handling
* First is to subclass AbstractAction, define all action handling
logic within this subclass and then initialize all GUI controls with
an object of this subclass or call setAction on controls.

I've never seen any designs actually use this. Not that I'm an expert
or anything.

Everything in the GUI world I've seen uses MVC or a related pattern. It
might be best to stick to what another programmer is going to familiar
with and able to maintain. "Exit strategy" and all that. Plus MVC is
portable, whereas Swing's action system may not work anywhere else if
you have to port your application.

If you'd like to explain what you think the advantages of using Actions
are over MVC and event listeners, I'd like to hear it. Just looking at
it, AbstractAction inherits several fields and these look like they
would take up a fair memory footprint if there were many of them, which
there might be in a real GUI design. Event listeners seem like they
might be somewhat lighter weight.

If you are looking for alternatives to MVC, check out Presenter First:


The links at the end of that article are great. Don't miss the PDF one
by the Atomic Object folks, but there is also an excellent video by
Brian Marick which gives a concrete (if simple) example in Java. It's
much better than designs I've seen posted here involving lots of
Callables everywhere (which would be very heavyweight).

Stefan Ram

Royan said:
* Second is to implement MVC pattern and put all action logic and
*any* other handling event logic into the Controller class.

In Java, often, a UI object is used instead of MVC.

»The first Swing prototype followed a traditional MVC [...]
We quickly discovered that this split didn't work well [...]
So we collapsed these two entities into a single UI object [...]«

In my own GUI applications, I am now using objects I call
»components«. By coincidence, these components often indeed
also are objects of a subclass of »javax.swing.JComponent«.

(The rest of this post contains my own ideas about how I plan
to construct my GUI applications. It might not be directly
related to your question.)

Each component can play all three rôles, i.e., model, view and

This sound like a big lump (i.e., bad style), but because each
component has a clearly restricted responsibility, it will not
get so large that this becomes a problem.

»Model« here means only »application« model - any large
calculation or data services are rolled out into service
objectes (akin to a »domain model« or »implementation layer«).

The application then is a tree of components, which only
communicate via the tree connections.

A component is an object controlling an area of a
graphical user interface, like a command button or a window.
(A degenerate component might also be an »invisible«
component, i.e., a simple object.)

An application usually has multiple components, often nested in
the form of a tree.

A window (which is a component), for example, might have an
upper part with a list (which is a component) and a lower part
with a log console (which is a component).

/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
table console
component component

| window component |
| .-----------------------------. |
| | table component | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| '-----------------------------' |
| .-----------------------------. |
| | console component | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| '-----------------------------' |

Now, for example, consider the question: How does the table
component request some text to be logged onto the console

I do not want the table component to be aware of the console
component. This would make it more difficult to reuse the
table component in other contexts without a console component
or to add or remove the table component or the console
component independently of other components. (If you do not
accept this reason, I also might refer to Demeter's law.)

So, instead of directly accessing the console component, the
table component "escalates" a log-report to the window
component, which is its container. The window component then
knows that it has a "log-report-handler" (i.e., the console
component), and then delegates the log-request to the console

Thus, the application component structure I made up recently is
to build an application as a tree of components which obey
Demeter's law and therefore only communicate via the /edges/
of this component tree, i.e., each component communicates only
with its direct container or one of its direct containees.

A common special case are several components sharing a single
model. Then, I want a common container component of these two
components to be (or hold) the model. For example,

window (and model for "view 0" and "view 1")
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
view 0 view 1

| window |
| .-----------------------------. |
| | view 0 | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| '-----------------------------' |
| .-----------------------------. |
| | view 1 | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| '-----------------------------' |

Here, the window doubles as the model for its subcomponents,
when they both need to refer to common data. (The observer
relation might hold between any two components of an application,
but has to be initiated via the edges of the tree.)

The layout of an application might be changed at runtime by
adding components to a container component. When this happens,
some requirements will be checked: A certain container might
only accept components implementing certain operations and the
components might require its container to implement certain
models for it.

The tree structure means that each component (except the root
component) has a single container component. This container
component and the contained components (the »containees« of a
component) represents the rest of the application to the
contained component. So, by Demeter's Law, each component can
only see one step in each direction.

Whenever a component needs something to be done it can not do
itself, it will request this from its direct container or from
one of its containees.

When a container receives a request from one of its directly
contained subcomponents (i.e., from one of its containees), it
might handle it or it might delegate it to another of its
containees or its container (which I call »escalation«).

When the root component receives a request it can not handle,
it might report this as an error or silently drop the request,
depending on what is most useful or appropriate in this
application. (For example, when the »console component« is
removed from the above application example,
console-log-requests could be dropped silently, so the
application will still run, but not have a console anymore.
Or, the root component might hold a »console model« and add
the messages to this model, so that they will all become
visible when a console component is added again.)

A component deep down in the tree might need to know the
»current directory« of the application, so it will ask its

this.container.getEnv( "cd" );

If the container does not have an environment variable »cd«,
it will escalate the request to its own container:

Object getEnv( name )
{ if( this.env.contains( name ))return this.env.get( name );
else return this.container.getEnv( name ); }

Or, if a component does not have an own environment storage
itself, it will immediatly escalate:

Object getEnv( name )
{ return this.container.getEnv( name ); }

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