ActiveState: Can't spawn "cmd.exe"?


Daniel Pfeiffer


I am a developer of, a way enhanced (GNU) make
replacement. I have been busy these last weeks extending the Cygwin port
first to MinGW (the easy part) and then to ActiveState Perl, with just the
native Windows 2000 (no Unixy stuff around).

We have an extensive test suite. Most of what fails is related to test Shell
scripts, which are beyond the capabilities of the system call. These will
have to be ported to Perl (in which both makepp and the test harness are written).

But the test variable_expansion gives an error -1 when running a simple echo
command. And additional_tests/2003_10_11_idash is also baffling, with more
detailed analysis:

A rule excutes this command (with CC set to the first two words) on one line.
This single string gets passed to the system function:

echo nocc -g -I subdir1 -I- -Isubdir2 -c compilation_test.c -o compilation_test.o

This gives a warning (I installed a $SIG{__WARN__} locally around system):

Can't spawn "cmd.exe": No such file or directory at C:/TEMP/cvs/ line 1128.

And system gives a return of 255 << 8. What could be causing this, and how
could it be evited?

NB: Passing the identical string to perl -e "system '...'" works just fine.

If this is not a known issue with ActiveState Perl (I tried both 5.6.1 and
5.8.6), I would be extremely glad for help by a Windows expert! This would
require picking up the latest makepp version from CVS.

thank you very much in advance!

coralament / best Grötens / liebe Grüße / best regards / elkorajn salutojn
Daniel Pfeiffer

Rick Measham

Daniel said:
Can't spawn "cmd.exe": No such file or directory at C:/TEMP/cvs/
line 1128.

Can't be sure what/where your problem is, but cmd.exe is a Norton AV
file. Could be that your external execution is trying to be run through
cmd.exe, but is failing for some reason. Try getting rid of Norton and
run it again.

Rick Measham


Daniel Pfeiffer said:

I am a developer of, a way enhanced (GNU) make
replacement. I have been busy these last weeks extending the Cygwin port
first to MinGW (the easy part) and then to ActiveState Perl, with just the
native Windows 2000 (no Unixy stuff around).

We have an extensive test suite. Most of what fails is related to test Shell
scripts, which are beyond the capabilities of the system call. These will
have to be ported to Perl (in which both makepp and the test harness are written).

But the test variable_expansion gives an error -1 when running a simple echo
command. And additional_tests/2003_10_11_idash is also baffling, with more
detailed analysis:

A rule excutes this command (with CC set to the first two words) on one line.
This single string gets passed to the system function:

echo nocc -g -I subdir1 -I- -Isubdir2 -c compilation_test.c -o compilation_test.o

This gives a warning (I installed a $SIG{__WARN__} locally around system):

Can't spawn "cmd.exe": No such file or directory at C:/TEMP/cvs/ line 1128.

I don't quite understand. Line 1128 of is:
system( format_exec_args( $action ));

Are you saying that there's no problem with that line on MinGW-built perl,
but there *is* a problem with that line on ActiveState perl ?

If so, then the solution would surely be to ensure that
'format_exec_args($action)' returns the same string with ActiveState perl as
it does for MinGW perl. (Or is that already the case ?)

Precisely what is the full string returned by 'format_exec_args($action)' ?
(I couldn't understand the meaning of "with CC set to the first two words".)
And system gives a return of 255 << 8. What could be causing this, and how
could it be evited?

NB: Passing the identical string to perl -e "system '...'" works just fine.

The "identical string" is the string returned by 'format_exec_args($action)'
...... right ?
And it's working fine in the 'perl -e....' system call, but producing that
error when run from .... right ?

When testing with ActiveState perl what shell are you running in ?
When testing with MinGW perl what shell are you running in ?
Could it be that you're invoking the wrong shell without realising it?

I don't know how to generate the "Can't spawn cmd.exe" error. Anyone ?



Sisyphus said:
Daniel Pfeiffer said:

I am a developer of, a way enhanced (GNU) make
replacement. I have been busy these last weeks extending the Cygwin port
first to MinGW (the easy part) and then to ActiveState Perl, with just the
native Windows 2000 (no Unixy stuff around).

We have an extensive test suite. Most of what fails is related to test Shell
scripts, which are beyond the capabilities of the system call. These will
have to be ported to Perl (in which both makepp and the test harness are written).

But the test variable_expansion gives an error -1 when running a simple echo
command. And additional_tests/2003_10_11_idash is also baffling, with more
detailed analysis:

A rule excutes this command (with CC set to the first two words) on one line.
This single string gets passed to the system function:

echo nocc -g -I subdir1 -I- -Isubdir2 -c compilation_test.c -o compilation_test.o

This gives a warning (I installed a $SIG{__WARN__} locally around system):

Can't spawn "cmd.exe": No such file or directory at C:/TEMP/cvs/
line 1128.

I don't know how to generate the "Can't spawn cmd.exe" error. Anyone ?

Oh ... yes I do know how to generate that warning. Just run a system()
command in a shell that doesn't have the path to cmd.exe in its 'path'
environment variable.

use warnings;
system "dir";

And then, running in the cmd.exe shell:

F:\makepp>set path=


F:\>D:\perl58_M\bin\perl -lwe "system 'dir'"
Can't spawn "cmd.exe": No such file or directory at -e line 1.

Can't spawn "cmd.exe": No such file or directory at line 2.


I probably need answers to the questions I asked in my earlier reply before
I could speculate further.



Rick Measham said:
Can't be sure what/where your problem is, but cmd.exe is a Norton AV
file. Could be that your external execution is trying to be run through
cmd.exe, but is failing for some reason. Try getting rid of Norton and
run it again.

'cmd.exe' is also the native Win32 shell program that ships with Windows
NT/2000/XP - and it's *that* cmd.exe (not the Norton file) that's being


Daniel Pfeiffer

la 13.06.2005 04:23 Sisyphus skribis:
I don't quite understand. Line 1128 of is:
system( format_exec_args( $action ));

format_exec_args is a workaround for Perl's buggy system function. When Perl
sees no special chars in the string it internally does a split on whitespace
and execs. But it misses some special characters and builtin commands. On
anything except ActiveState this function returns ('/bin/sh', '-c', $_[0]) in
such cases.
Precisely what is the full string returned by 'format_exec_args($action)' ?

On ActiveState it returns the string verbatim.
(I couldn't understand the meaning of "with CC set to the first two words".)

The make rule in question runs $(CC) ..., and since I'm not yet at the point
of messing with the weirdness of Windows compilers, I "set CC=echo nocc".

The "identical string" is the string returned by 'format_exec_args($action)'
..... right ?

And it's working fine in the 'perl -e....' system call, but producing that
error when run from .... right ?

When testing with ActiveState perl what shell are you running in ?

Normal DOS command window, so I suppose cmd.exe.
When testing with MinGW perl what shell are you running in ?

/usr/bin/sh which is MinGW's bash 2.04.
Could it be that you're invoking the wrong shell without realising it?

Probably! In all three environments, I reduce the PATH to a minimum, so as to
not get any "goodies" from another environment. E.g. ActiveState would
happily pick up Unix commands from MKS, MinGW and Cygwin, so I do

set PATH=C:\WINNT\system32;C:\WINNT;C:\Perl\bin

The first directory contains CMD.EXE. (Which answers your 2nd post). The
funny thing is that when I don't reduce the PATH, something does happen. I
modified export.test to do

echo %X% %Y% >testfile

and then testfile contains the line "Syntaxfehler." (german for error), which
is not what happens when I type that command in the DOS window.

Thanks for taking so much time!


Daniel Pfeiffer said:
la 13.06.2005 04:23 Sisyphus skribis:

Normal DOS command window, so I suppose cmd.exe.

/usr/bin/sh which is MinGW's bash 2.04.

Normally, perl is built using MinGW in the cmd.exe shell, following the
instructions in the README.win32 (which involves editing the
Win32\ It's also normal to run that perl in the cmd.exe shell.
I believe it's quite a trivial thing to run MinGW-built perl (and
ActiveState perl, too) in a bash shell, though I've not personally done
that. Not sure why I'm mentioning this .... I guess it's just that the
reference to MinGW's bash shell makes me wonder whether you've built perl
with MinGW in some unusual way .... and if that's the case I'm further
wondering whether it should be brought to your attention :)
Probably! In all three environments, I reduce the PATH to a minimum, so as to
not get any "goodies" from another environment. E.g. ActiveState would
happily pick up Unix commands from MKS, MinGW and Cygwin, so I do

set PATH=C:\WINNT\system32;C:\WINNT;C:\Perl\bin

The first directory contains CMD.EXE. (Which answers your 2nd post).

That makes it very hard (for me) to work out why a system call that works
when invoked by 'perl -e ..' is unable to spawn the cmd.exe when called from
file (

What happens if you run a script containing a system command (such as the in my 2nd post) from that very same shell ? Does it fail to spawn
cmd.exe, too ?

#### ####
use warnings;
$ENV{PATH} = '';
system "cd";

D:\pscrpt>perl -lwe "system 'cd'"

Can't spawn "cmd.exe": No such file or directory at line 3.

D:\pscrpt>perl -lwe "system 'cd'"

That's one simple way of getting a system command to work with 'perl -e...'
but fail when called from file. Now, I'm not suggesting that
explicitly removes C:\winnt\system32 from the path - but could that be
happening somehow ??

I'll continue to puzzle over this, and post again if I think of something -
but it doesn't look like I'll be able to offer much help.

Maybe you could also try perlmonks if there's no useful help here.


Daniel Pfeiffer

la 13.06.2005 13:15 Sisyphus skribis:
Normally, perl is built using MinGW in the cmd.exe shell, following the
instructions in the README.win32 (which involves editing the
Win32\ It's also normal to run that perl in the cmd.exe shell.
I believe it's quite a trivial thing to run MinGW-built perl (and
ActiveState perl, too) in a bash shell, though I've not personally done
that. Not sure why I'm mentioning this .... I guess it's just that the
reference to MinGW's bash shell makes me wonder whether you've built perl
with MinGW in some unusual way .... and if that's the case I'm further
wondering whether it should be brought to your attention :)

I had a hard time getting MinGW together, even though Msys is supposed to give
all you need. I picked up a lot of packages, before I finally had a Perl.
It's the Perl 5.6.1 they deliver on their server. I compiled nothing myself.

I finally sorted this one out. Coming from Unix, makepp assumes PATH to be
colon separated and splits it on that. I haven't tracked where it gets put
together again (after all we still have the full PATH intact as well) but
splitting it on ';' and stripping the quotes has solved the cmd.exe problem :)

So now finally makepp works on Windows. The remaining issues are to teach it
to parse typical Windows compiler invocations, because it figures out implicit
dependencies from -I and -l/-L options, such that you don't need makedep.

It would also be great to have it implicitly add .exe, such that you don't
need separate handling of Windows targets, and being case-preserving on file
names, rather than lowercasing everything. These issues can be a bit tricky,
because makepp knows about potential files from the rules, even before they
actually exist, but then it can only guess these things.

Thanks again for all your support!

A. Sinan Unur

Daniel Pfeiffer said:
Coming from Unix, makepp assumes PATH to be colon separated and
splits it on that.

And what is your excuse for not using File::Spec?
I haven't tracked where it gets put together again

Very confidence inspiring.

Indeed, these posts have helped me decide never to give makepp a shot.
but splitting it on ';'

Oh yeah! Repeat again, what is your excuse for not using File::Spec?


File::Spec - portably perform operations on file names
and stripping the quotes has solved the cmd.exe problem :)

And probably introduced a bunch more given the haphazard way you are
approaching this.



I had a hard time getting MinGW together, even though Msys is supposed to give
all you need. I picked up a lot of packages, before I finally had a Perl.
It's the Perl 5.6.1 they deliver on their server. I compiled nothing

Aaah - that would have been a perl package that came with one of the
"extras" MSYS packages - probably msysDTK I'm guessing.
Fyi: I don't know of anyone actually using that perl build - and had
forgotten that I had read of its existence. Needless to say, I haven't
actually tried it out. It sounds like it has a particularly nixy flavour
(similar to Cygwin's perl ?). Any people I know of who are using MinGW-built
perl built it as I outlined in my last post. That way you get a native Win32
perl - same as ActiveState perl, but built with the MinGW port of the gcc
compiler. Built that way, MinGW perl and ActiveState perl are binary
compatible (assuming the MinGW perl has been built, like ActiveState perl,
with threads support). I doubt that you could swap binaries around between
your MinGW perl and an ActiveState perl 5.6 (even if your MinGW perl *is*


Daniel Pfeiffer

la 14.06.2005 23:36 A. Sinan Unur skribis:
And what is your excuse for not using File::Spec?

And what is your excuse for not knowing what you are talking about?
File::Spec handles only part of OS specifics, and PATH variables are not one
of them. Even the file system related ones are handled too superficially,
e.g. only string manipulations rather than checking results against the file

Besides the stable version of makepp still supports 5.005, which didn't yet
include this module. And the version that comes with 5.8.6 for Cygwin, though
at 1.1, claims to be beta. It also pretends not to be case_tolerant :-( This
shouldn't be a system specific anyway but a file system specific one. I can
well mount a Samba drive somewhere, giving me mixed case sensitivity within
one path.

And even if Sysiphus thinks that the only MinGW port available for download is
not the usual one, it does exist and is not handled by File::Spec ($^O eq 'msys').
Very confidence inspiring.

The result counts, and we verify that with an extensive test suite, as well as
using the bleeding edge version in our various big real life projects.
Indeed, these posts have helped me decide never to give makepp a shot.

That's freedom as in (lots of) free beer ;-)
And probably introduced a bunch more given the haphazard way you are
approaching this.

I've already got some in my finder, none of which would be helped by
File::Spec. But they'll be sorted out.

best regards

A. Sinan Unur

la 14.06.2005 23:36 A. Sinan Unur skribis:

And what is your excuse for not knowing what you are talking about?
File::Spec handles only part of OS specifics, and PATH variables are
not one of them.


Takes no argument. Returns the environment variable PATH (or
the local platform's equivalent) as a list.


Even the file system related ones are handled too
superficially, e.g. only string manipulations

What you were doing was string manipulation using the wrong strings.
Using File::Spec->path would have been the right thing to do.
rather than checking results against the file system.

There was a very illuminating discussion on this in the last few months.
Check the archives.



Daniel Pfeiffer said:
And even if Sysiphus thinks that the only MinGW port available for download is
not the usual one, it does exist and is not handled by File::Spec ($^O eq 'msys').

Rare as it is, it sounds nonetheless interesting, and I must take a look at
it one day. File::Spec certainly won't handle an operating system named
'msys' - and I would think that ExtUtils::MakeMaker might experience some
problems, too. I expect other caveats as well.

I doubt that they recommend it as a production utility - rather I think it's
supplied so that apps whose build process needs perl can be successfully
built (but I could be wrong about that).


Daniel Pfeiffer

la 21.06.2005 12:22 A. Sinan Unur skribis:

Takes no argument. Returns the environment variable PATH (or
the local platform's equivalent) as a list.

Ooops, I'm sorry! I read over that one too fast, maybe because "path" also
refers to full filenames (as in canonpath).

However, checking the coding of those functions, they are broken. Cygwin
wrongly inherits from Unix, and that only splits on :, which will completely
fail on the like of '/bin:"C:/WINNT":"/Path/with space"'. I'm amazed that
after years of publication the module is still so poor.

Even the file system related ones are handled too

What you were doing was string manipulation using the wrong strings.
Using File::Spec->path would have been the right thing to do.

I wasn't referring to that. Makepp needs to know when two files point to the
same physical file.
There was a very illuminating discussion on this in the last few months.
Check the archives.

There's quite a bit of discussion -- not sure which you mean. But what I see,
is that for the nitty details you have to do quite a bit of coding around the
provided methods. And even then the authors are often not sure their thing is
still portable.

I agree that rebasing makepp's on this might make some sence. But
given the problems and incompleteness of File::Spec it is hardly a panacea...
Not sure about performance either. FileInfo is very central to makepp, and
when I took out the method lookup, converting it to function calls, makepp
became noticeably faster.


A. Sinan Unur

la 21.06.2005 12:22 A. Sinan Unur skribis:

Ooops, I'm sorry! I read over that one too fast, maybe because "path"
also refers to full filenames (as in canonpath).

However, checking the coding of those functions, they are broken.
Cygwin wrongly inherits from Unix, and that only splits on :, which
will completely fail on the like of '/bin:"C:/WINNT":"/Path/with

What are you talking about??? Let me fire up Cygwin shell ... Oooops,
better add a directory with spaces to my path ... Done, now I fire up
the shell.

Here is my $PATH:

/cygdrive/c/Program Files/HighMAT CD Writing Wizard:

Note the requisite path with spaces in the middle of this list. Now:

$ cat

use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Spec::Functions 'path';

print "$_\n" for path;


$ ./
/cygdrive/c/Program Files/HighMAT CD Writing Wizard
I'm amazed that after years of publication the module is
still so poor.

I don't see a problem.


$ perl -v
This is perl, v5.8.6 built for cygwin-thread-multi-64int

$ perl -MFile::Spec -e 'print $File::Spec::VERSION'

So, I guess, I need to update.
I wasn't referring to that. Makepp needs to know when two files point
to the same physical file.

That is not what you originally identified as the issue with your code:

#> I finally sorted this one out. Coming from Unix, makepp assumes PATH
#> to be colon separated and splits it on that. I haven't tracked where
#> it gets put together again (after all we still have the full PATH
#> intact as well) but splitting it on ';' and stripping the quotes has
#> solved the cmd.exe problem :)

There is no reason to reinvent the wheel, and come up with an octogonal

Besides, I do not see why your application is interested in figuring out
if two paths refer to the same physical file.
There's quite a bit of discussion -- not sure which you mean. But
what I see, is that for the nitty details you have to do quite a bit
of coding around the provided methods. And even then the authors are
often not sure their thing is still portable.

Given your reputation, I am inclined not believe the assertions above.
File::Spec has never failed me.
I agree that rebasing makepp's on this might make some
sence. But given the problems and incompleteness of File::Spec it is
hardly a panacea...

What are the problems with File::Spec?
Not sure about performance either. FileInfo is very central to
makepp, and when I took out the method lookup, converting it to
function calls, makepp became noticeably faster.

I am inclined to believe any performance problems you had were not due to
method versus function calls.


Daniel Pfeiffer

la 22.06.2005 00:16 A. Sinan Unur skribis:
What are you talking about??? Let me fire up Cygwin shell ... Oooops,
better add a directory with spaces to my path ... Done, now I fire up
the shell.

The problem are the quotes, which can occur both in native Windows and Cygwin.
Neither module eliminates them. And in the latter they also protect the
colon in C:/, which is not a separator. Makepp gets this right, because it
parses the path. File::Spec::Unix (superclass of Cygwin) just does split(':',
$ENV{PATH}), splitting right through the middle of C:/ pathes :-(

$ perl -v
This is perl, v5.8.6 built for cygwin-thread-multi-64int

$ perl -MFile::Spec -e 'print $File::Spec::VERSION'

So, I guess, I need to update.

Updating may help the individual. But say this is fixed in 5.8.7 or .8, then
a widely distributed program, which has to cater to older buggy versions, can
wait years before relying on this.
That is not what you originally identified as the issue with your code:

Sure, but you brought up a Module as the solution, so I went and looked if it
would help makepp. As discussions go, then the scope of this thread
widenened. If we were to use the module you propose, then in its full
breadth, since all of its methods are relevant to makepp.
Besides, I do not see why your application is interested in figuring out
if two paths refer to the same physical file.

Makepp goes far beyond the erratic "timestamp changed" checks of older makes.
It takes many aspects of a file into consideration to find out if a
dependency *really* requires rebuilds.
Given your reputation, I am inclined not believe the assertions above.
File::Spec has never failed me.

Wow, I have a reputaion — how exciting ;-) When people post various 20-30
line wrappers around File::Spec to chase symlinks, then an important task is
clearly missing in this module.
What are the problems with File::Spec?

If you still don't know, reread this mail, which reiterates two things I
noticed even before really going into depth. I had also mentioned
case_tolerant being wrong on Unix, because not all file systems respect case,
and on Cygwin, where it doesn't bother to override the wrong inherited value.

Further analysis might or might not reveal more problems. Software
correctness is not proveable, and most certainly not with a casual "I never
had a problem." But proof to the contrary is not contestable! (Unless you
disproove the proofs, which you got wrong on the path case.)
I am inclined to believe any performance problems you had were not due to
method versus function calls.

Inclinations may be an interesting hobby, but I am only interested in facts:

$ time perl -e '1 for 0..1000000' # just to show nop does get called
0.41s real 0.39s user 0.01s system
$ time perl -e 'sub nop {}; nop for 0..1000000'
2.18s real 2.11s user 0.01s system
$ time perl -e 'sub nop {}; $x = bless {}; $x->nop for 0..1000000'
2.95s real 2.84s user 0.02s system

That's a 34% overhead for method lookup. This is especially penalizing for
accessor methods which do no real work.

coralament / best Grötens / liebe Grüße / best regards / elkorajn salutojn
Daniel Pfeiffer

Darren Dunham

What are you talking about??? Let me fire up Cygwin shell ... Oooops,
better add a directory with spaces to my path ... Done, now I fire up
the shell.
Here is my $PATH:
/cygdrive/c/Program Files/HighMAT CD Writing Wizard:
Note the requisite path with spaces in the middle of this list. Now:

I don't think he's talking about the spaces. I think he's talking about
the colons. One of his directories is "C:/WINNT". While I'd never have
such a directory listed in cygwin myself (preferring /cygdrive/c/WINNT),
it does appear to work...

$ ls -ld "C:/WINDOWS"
drwxrwx---+ 65 Administrators SYSTEM 0 Jun 15 08:37 C:/WINDOWS

Then again, I'd argue that such a path isn't a valid "UNIX" path, so
having that cause an error within cygwin isn't really a surprise.

A. Sinan Unur

I don't think he's talking about the spaces. I think he's talking
about the colons. One of his directories is "C:/WINNT". While I'd
never have such a directory listed in cygwin myself (preferring
/cygdrive/c/WINNT), it does appear to work...

$ ls -ld "C:/WINDOWS"
drwxrwx---+ 65 Administrators SYSTEM 0 Jun 15 08:37 C:/WINDOWS

Then again, I'd argue that such a path isn't a valid "UNIX" path, so
having that cause an error within cygwin isn't really a surprise.

I understand what you are saying, but I do not see how this is relevant
to $PATH.

I have my path set only in My Computer -> Properties > Advanced ->
Environment Variables.

If I run Cygwin perl, whether in Cygwin bash it correctly sees
/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS where it is set as C:\WINDOWS in the My Computer

Anyway, I have not seen a concrete code example from the OP that
illustrates the problem.


Daniel Pfeiffer

la 24.06.2005 03:55 A. Sinan Unur skribis:
I understand what you are saying, but I do not see how this is relevant
to $PATH.

I have my path set only in My Computer -> Properties > Advanced ->
Environment Variables.

If I run Cygwin perl, whether in Cygwin bash it correctly sees
/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS where it is set as C:\WINDOWS in the My Computer

Anyway, I have not seen a concrete code example from the OP that
illustrates the problem.

I have no clue why, but on my company PC configured by an external company,
when I start Cygwin, I get this kind of PATH='/bin:"C:/WINNT":"/Path/with
space"' with some directories even listed
both ways. And Cygwin finds commands in those "C:/..." entries, so it must be
valid. Then also Perl programs should work with this, and not say "We'd like
you to configure qour computer differently!"

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