TJoker .NET
I have this web control that need to process some special
urls requested by the browser. So I created a class
implementing IHttpHandler to deal with it.
The problem here is that to properly use the control, the
developer has to include something like the following in
his web.config:
<add verb="*" path="MySpecialResource.ashx"
type="MyRequestHandler, MyAssembly"/>
My goal is to simplify as much as I can the usage of the
control, trying to make it as drag n'drop as possible.
So the question would be: Is there a way to
programmatically add HttpHandlers to an ASP.NET
application ?
Or, should I be using something else ?
urls requested by the browser. So I created a class
implementing IHttpHandler to deal with it.
The problem here is that to properly use the control, the
developer has to include something like the following in
his web.config:
<add verb="*" path="MySpecialResource.ashx"
type="MyRequestHandler, MyAssembly"/>
My goal is to simplify as much as I can the usage of the
control, trying to make it as drag n'drop as possible.
So the question would be: Is there a way to
programmatically add HttpHandlers to an ASP.NET
application ?
Or, should I be using something else ?