I'm building a C++ program that encapsulates Python inside and has a
few extension classes with member variables and member functions. So
far almost everything is successful, I'm able to run scripts through
the utility, I can instantiate instances of my extension classes, I can
read/write member variables of the classes through class objects, but I
just cannot make member functions work properly. When I call a
function, I get the following message:
exceptions.TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
The way I extend Python is nothing (as far as I can see) different from
the documented way of doing it. This is my script:
from MyModule import *
def main():
MyInstance = MyClass()
MyInstance.memberVar1 = 1
MyInstance.memberVar2 = 20
MyInstance.memberVar3 = 300
If I comment out the last line, I get no messages, meaning good. I also
tried printing out values after I set them and it works flawlessly.
I would really appreciate if anybody could help me, because I'm at a
loss. It probably is something really stupid, but I just fail to see it
right now.
Please help.
few extension classes with member variables and member functions. So
far almost everything is successful, I'm able to run scripts through
the utility, I can instantiate instances of my extension classes, I can
read/write member variables of the classes through class objects, but I
just cannot make member functions work properly. When I call a
function, I get the following message:
exceptions.TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
The way I extend Python is nothing (as far as I can see) different from
the documented way of doing it. This is my script:
from MyModule import *
def main():
MyInstance = MyClass()
MyInstance.memberVar1 = 1
MyInstance.memberVar2 = 20
MyInstance.memberVar3 = 300
If I comment out the last line, I get no messages, meaning good. I also
tried printing out values after I set them and it works flawlessly.
I would really appreciate if anybody could help me, because I'm at a
loss. It probably is something really stupid, but I just fail to see it
right now.
Please help.