I have an ASP page I am working on, using ADO 2.6. I am not using any DTC's
in this page anywhere. I have an ADO connection to a SQL Server 2000
database, I create some ADO Commands utilizing a couple of stored procedures
which take parameters and return recordsets. When I run this I get the
following error message:
ADODB.Command error '800a0cc1'
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name
or ordinal.
/voucher_funds_balance.asp, line 89
Here is the relevant lines of ASP code:
set cmNextDate = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
cmNextDate.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
cmNextDate.CommandText = "spGetNextTheDate"
set pParam = cmNextDate.CreateParameter("@DateCode", adSmallInt,
cmNextDate.Parameters("@DateCode").Value = CInt(1)
cmNextDate.Parameters.Append pParam
set rsNextInvoice = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsNextInvoice.Open cmNextDate, cn, adOpenStatic
Response.Write("<tr><td>") 'begin a new row and cell
dtCurrentDateTime = Date() + Time() 'get the current date and time
If rsNextInvoice.EOF then
Response.Write("(Next Invoice Date is not yet determined.)")
End If
Line 89 is "If rsNextInvoice.EOF then". Last I knew the EOF property was
still a property of the ADO Recordset, so I doubt that is the problem.
I have double checked the parameter to the stored procedure, and have even
gone so far as to open up the stored procedure in Query Analyzer, copy it
out of the stored procedure and paste it right into this ASP code, to make
certain that the parameter was NOT wrong.
So, the question is, what's going on here? Why am I getting this error?
in this page anywhere. I have an ADO connection to a SQL Server 2000
database, I create some ADO Commands utilizing a couple of stored procedures
which take parameters and return recordsets. When I run this I get the
following error message:
ADODB.Command error '800a0cc1'
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name
or ordinal.
/voucher_funds_balance.asp, line 89
Here is the relevant lines of ASP code:
set cmNextDate = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
cmNextDate.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
cmNextDate.CommandText = "spGetNextTheDate"
set pParam = cmNextDate.CreateParameter("@DateCode", adSmallInt,
cmNextDate.Parameters("@DateCode").Value = CInt(1)
cmNextDate.Parameters.Append pParam
set rsNextInvoice = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsNextInvoice.Open cmNextDate, cn, adOpenStatic
Response.Write("<tr><td>") 'begin a new row and cell
dtCurrentDateTime = Date() + Time() 'get the current date and time
If rsNextInvoice.EOF then
Response.Write("(Next Invoice Date is not yet determined.)")
End If
Line 89 is "If rsNextInvoice.EOF then". Last I knew the EOF property was
still a property of the ADO Recordset, so I doubt that is the problem.
I have double checked the parameter to the stored procedure, and have even
gone so far as to open up the stored procedure in Query Analyzer, copy it
out of the stored procedure and paste it right into this ASP code, to make
certain that the parameter was NOT wrong.
So, the question is, what's going on here? Why am I getting this error?