I built an ASP.NET application.The application was built using ASP
initially. Recently we migrated to ASP.NET, but we didn't recode the
script using .NET. We just add the aspcompat=true at each page
the error message is :
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in
conflict with one another.
it stopped at line:
objPagingRs.Open (strSQL, objPagingConn, 3, 1, 4)
before this line, I added db connect:
objPagingConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objPagingConn.CursorLocation = 3 'adUseClient
objPagingConn.ConnectionString = mstrConnectionString
strSQL = "Search_Result_Single #" & startDate & "#, #" &
endDate & "#, '" & CityCode & "', " & breakfast & ", " & numberofstar
& ", '" & HotelName & "'"
the connection string is assigned to mstrConnectionString, which is
defined in an include file as follows:
mstrConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="
& Server.MapPath("database/HP.mdb") & ";User ID=Admin;"
when user starts my application from his browser, and he does a search
on the page, the query will be sent to db, the results are returned to
browser with a few pages; user may navigate between result pages, at
this time, no error is generated.
If the user leaves the web page idle for 20mins for more, and then he
tries to navigate between the web pages (by clicking on customised next
or previous button on the web page), above error will be generated.
My question here is why after sometime being idle the error happened
and not in the beginning?
has anyone got any idea what could be wrong? any help very much
initially. Recently we migrated to ASP.NET, but we didn't recode the
script using .NET. We just add the aspcompat=true at each page
the error message is :
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in
conflict with one another.
it stopped at line:
objPagingRs.Open (strSQL, objPagingConn, 3, 1, 4)
before this line, I added db connect:
objPagingConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objPagingConn.CursorLocation = 3 'adUseClient
objPagingConn.ConnectionString = mstrConnectionString
strSQL = "Search_Result_Single #" & startDate & "#, #" &
endDate & "#, '" & CityCode & "', " & breakfast & ", " & numberofstar
& ", '" & HotelName & "'"
the connection string is assigned to mstrConnectionString, which is
defined in an include file as follows:
mstrConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="
& Server.MapPath("database/HP.mdb") & ";User ID=Admin;"
when user starts my application from his browser, and he does a search
on the page, the query will be sent to db, the results are returned to
browser with a few pages; user may navigate between result pages, at
this time, no error is generated.
If the user leaves the web page idle for 20mins for more, and then he
tries to navigate between the web pages (by clicking on customised next
or previous button on the web page), above error will be generated.
My question here is why after sometime being idle the error happened
and not in the beginning?
has anyone got any idea what could be wrong? any help very much