Miguel Orrego
I have found some code that authenticates users agains a domain using ADSI.
I then redirect to another page and pass the username they have entered as a
string. However, it would be nice to also get their full name from Active
Directory once authenticated. Can anyone suggest how I may modify this code
to achieve this? I would also like to pass their full name to the next page
as a string. The code I found:
if (not strADsPath= "") then
' bind to the ADSI object. If user has supplied a username, then
' authenticate too
strADsPath = "WinNT://" & strADsPath
Dim oADsObject
Dim tempstr
tempstr = strDomain & "\" & strUserName
Set oADsObject = GetObject(strADsPath)
Dim strADsNamespace
Dim oADsNamespace
strADsNamespace = left(strADsPath, instr(strADsPath, ":"))
set oADsNamespace = GetObject(strADsNamespace)
Set oADsObject = oADsNamespace.OpenDSObject(strADsPath, tempstr,
strPassword, 0)
' we've only managed to bind if err.number = 0
if not (Err.number = 0) then
Response.Write "Login Failed, please try again</strong><br>"
'If the password is correct then set the session variable to True
Session("blnIsUserGood") = True
'Close Objects before redirecting
Set adoCon = Nothing
Set strCon = Nothing
Set rsCheckUser = Nothing
'Redirect to the authorised user page and send the users name
response.redirect "success.asp?username="&strUserName
I have found some code that authenticates users agains a domain using ADSI.
I then redirect to another page and pass the username they have entered as a
string. However, it would be nice to also get their full name from Active
Directory once authenticated. Can anyone suggest how I may modify this code
to achieve this? I would also like to pass their full name to the next page
as a string. The code I found:
if (not strADsPath= "") then
' bind to the ADSI object. If user has supplied a username, then
' authenticate too
strADsPath = "WinNT://" & strADsPath
Dim oADsObject
Dim tempstr
tempstr = strDomain & "\" & strUserName
Set oADsObject = GetObject(strADsPath)
Dim strADsNamespace
Dim oADsNamespace
strADsNamespace = left(strADsPath, instr(strADsPath, ":"))
set oADsNamespace = GetObject(strADsNamespace)
Set oADsObject = oADsNamespace.OpenDSObject(strADsPath, tempstr,
strPassword, 0)
' we've only managed to bind if err.number = 0
if not (Err.number = 0) then
Response.Write "Login Failed, please try again</strong><br>"
'If the password is correct then set the session variable to True
Session("blnIsUserGood") = True
'Close Objects before redirecting
Set adoCon = Nothing
Set strCon = Nothing
Set rsCheckUser = Nothing
'Redirect to the authorised user page and send the users name
response.redirect "success.asp?username="&strUserName