Hi there,
This might be a little off-topic but I'm currently in the process of
starting my own web site and need some simple advice only. I'm currently
looking for a web hosting provider and since ASP.NET isn't supported by all
providers, I'm seeking advice as to how I should proceed. My site will be
very simple and will require a few web pages only. I have a single
application available for download and will be using PayPal as the payment
provider (unless someone has a better suggestion). Note that I'm new to all
this (web design and PayPal) but I'm otherwise a very experienced developer
(many years in C++ and a couple of solid years in C#). The question is,
should I find a web hosting provider that supports ASP.NET or can I simply
find one that supports PHP and/or Perl (which most do). I have no experience
in any of these right now so will have some learning to do. The amount of
programming/scripting should be relatively little however. I need to contact
PayPal when a customer clicks the Buy button and will have to send my
customer a license key once payment is confirmed (any advice on this?).
Sending the license key needs to be automated and I need to retain the sales
info (email address in particular) so I can re-send the license key if a
customer later requests it (does PayPal retain this info BTW so I can get it
from them?). Can this be easily done with PHP or Perl (and which would be
recommended) or should I rely on ASP.NET instead? Any advice would be
welcome. Thanks.
This might be a little off-topic but I'm currently in the process of
starting my own web site and need some simple advice only. I'm currently
looking for a web hosting provider and since ASP.NET isn't supported by all
providers, I'm seeking advice as to how I should proceed. My site will be
very simple and will require a few web pages only. I have a single
application available for download and will be using PayPal as the payment
provider (unless someone has a better suggestion). Note that I'm new to all
this (web design and PayPal) but I'm otherwise a very experienced developer
(many years in C++ and a couple of solid years in C#). The question is,
should I find a web hosting provider that supports ASP.NET or can I simply
find one that supports PHP and/or Perl (which most do). I have no experience
in any of these right now so will have some learning to do. The amount of
programming/scripting should be relatively little however. I need to contact
PayPal when a customer clicks the Buy button and will have to send my
customer a license key once payment is confirmed (any advice on this?).
Sending the license key needs to be automated and I need to retain the sales
info (email address in particular) so I can re-send the license key if a
customer later requests it (does PayPal retain this info BTW so I can get it
from them?). Can this be easily done with PHP or Perl (and which would be
recommended) or should I rely on ASP.NET instead? Any advice would be
welcome. Thanks.