I want to get an Ajax example working with a Perl script.
I have this at the moment but nothing seems to get sent to the server
self.xmlHttpReq.open('GET', 'http://myurl.com/example.pl?name=lisa', true);
But as I say nothing gets sent.
I then have a:
self.xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange = function()
Which handles responses. Should this work? In a real script what would I
send for the open and what for the send?
I want to get an Ajax example working with a Perl script.
I have this at the moment but nothing seems to get sent to the server
self.xmlHttpReq.open('GET', 'http://myurl.com/example.pl?name=lisa', true);
But as I say nothing gets sent.
I then have a:
self.xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange = function()
Which handles responses. Should this work? In a real script what would I
send for the open and what for the send?