How have you solved the usage of alert box (or other modal message box),
users have pop up blockers active?
In the testing alert boxes seem to be a reliable way to interact with
users. But some designers use a div, which covers the
whole page so that the use has to (?) click that window before
proceeding. The div has been designed so that the actual
'box' is in the middle and alla the surrounding area is dimmed.
One might think that modal message boxes have nothing to do
in the production code. But when proceeding towards the
Ideal Errorfree Elegant program a lazy newbie programmer tends
to make compromises and misstakes.
Better alternatives?
users have pop up blockers active?
In the testing alert boxes seem to be a reliable way to interact with
users. But some designers use a div, which covers the
whole page so that the use has to (?) click that window before
proceeding. The div has been designed so that the actual
'box' is in the middle and alla the surrounding area is dimmed.
One might think that modal message boxes have nothing to do
in the production code. But when proceeding towards the
Ideal Errorfree Elegant program a lazy newbie programmer tends
to make compromises and misstakes.
Better alternatives?