> No disagreement here. What Cray model/line are you referring to?
The Cray-1 and successors (i.e. those based on the original architecture).
> The Crays are one of the architectures often mentioned in c.l.c as
> examples of environments were common (but wrong) assumptions break you
> code. I would like to read the C manual for other implementations
> "oddities"
I do not know whether such manuals are available online or offline, one
oddity is that there is no division instruction and the quotient can be
wrong in the two low order bits. In the course of time I have used four
different architectures that would break common assumptions.
(1) Cray-1 and successors. Pointers are (64-bit) word pointers. A char
pointer is constructed by putting the char number in the high order
16 bits. Also no division instruction, so the quotient could be
quite a bit wrong. Integers contain padding bits (the high order
16 bits of the 64 bit word).
(2) Data General MV series. A char pointer would have the low order
24 (I think) bits as byte pointer and the high order 8 bits as
"ring number", which would be non-zero for user programs (and so
NULL is not all bits 0). Any other pointer would have the (16-bit)
word address in the low order 23 bits, next 8 bits for the ring number
and one bit that indicates indirection. On that machine with c a
char pointer, the cast (int *)c was certainly *not* a no-op.
(3) CDC 205. Every pointer was a bit pointer. So a char pointer would
have the lower three bits 0. Also 0.0 (when normalised) would not
be all bits zero. Also on this machine (a == b) == (b == a) could
be false (there was asymmetry in the instruction).
(4) Intel i960. No division instruction, so division could be a bit off
(but not as far off as the Cray).