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C Programming
[alt.lang.asm,comp.lang.c]assembly Vs C Language
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[QUOTE="¬a\\/b, post: 2496280"] Belive it or not, with my little symbols language assembly is 1000 times better than C in **in practice** Can you write what this below does, better and more clear in C? :) /* ritorna -1 D[s+116Funzione_chiamante]==D[s+20qui]==-1 se errore /* ritorna 0 D[s+116Funzione_chiamante]==linea_ricevuta_len se OK /* 0j, 4i, 8r, 12c, 16b, 20ra, 24P_a dg_threadf: < b, c, r, i, j /* 100:4(socket), 104:4(@ibuf), 108:4(ilen) /* 112:4(var), 116:4(Valore ret di dg_threadf), 124:4(& @destAdd) /* 128:4(& @destLen), 132:4(Timeout), 136:16(fromwhere?) /* 156:4(len) i=[s+24]; b=*i; ..0: r=[i+4]; c=[i+8]; j=&[i+36]; a=&[i+56]; D*a=16; recvfrom(b, r, c, 0, j, a); a==SOCKET_ERROR!#.1 ..e: a=-1; D[i+16]=a; #.f; ..1: D[i+32] #.e; /* timeout D[j+20]<8#.e /* risposta troppo piccola r=[j]; c=[i+24]; c=[c]; r!=[c] #.0; /* confronta addr. port /* del messaggio con quelle da ricevere r=[j+4]; r!=[c+4]#.0; D[i+16]=a; a=0; /* fine ok ..f: ret 4 /* int dg_SndRcv( char* ibuf, int ilen, char* obuf, int olen, /* int fd, char* destAdd_cliAdd, int destLen, int* Pint3A) /* funzione che manda domanda(obuf), riceve risposta(ibuf) usando UDP /* se timeout senza risposta o errori ritorna -1 e CF==1 /* altrimenti ritorna lunghezza messaggio ricevuto e CF==0 /* /* "Pint3A" punta a un vettore di 3 interi inizializzato /* per la prima volta a "Pint3A[0]=0; Pint3A[1]=0; Pint3A[2]=4;" /* /* 256+28=284, 256+32=288 /* 0k, 4j, 8i, 12r, 16c, 20b, 24ra, 28P_ibuf, 32P_ilen, 36P_obuf, /* 40P_olen /* 44P_fd, 48P_destAdd, 52P_destLen, 56P_Pint3A dg_SndRcv: < b, c, r, i, j, k s-=256 << @ibuf=[s+284], @ilen=[s+288], @obuf=[s+292], @olen=[s+296] << @fd=[s+300], @destAdd=[s+304], @destLen=[s+308], @Pint3A=[s+312] << @t=[k], @c=[k+4], @delta=[k+8] /* s = 0:4(var), 16:4(Var), 24:4(N.trasmissioni), /* 32:4(Tempo totale), 36:16(NewAddr), 56:4(newLen) /* 100:4(socket), 104:4(@ibuf), 108:4(ilen) /* 112:4(var), 116:4(Valore ret di dg_threadf), 124:4(& @destAdd) /* 128:4(& @destLen), 132:4(Timeout), 136:16(fromwhere?), /* 156:4(len) /* 200:16(& @cliaddr) i=@obuf; k=@Pint3A; D[s+24]=4; /* 1+tre ritrasmissioni D[s+16]=0; D @ibuf==0#.e; i==0#.e; D @destAdd==0!#.a| D @destLen!=0#.e; #.b; ..a: D @destLen<0 ?#.e; ..b: b=@fd; b==-1#.e; D @ilen<=0?#.e; D @olen<0?#.e; k!#.e; j=@t; D[s+32]=j; #.1; ..e: a=-1; stc; ##.f; ..1: D @t!=0!#.2 D @t > 10000#.c; /* 10s se esageratamente grande vai e ricalcola c=@c; c==@delta!#.2 /* aggiorna il timer per velocita' ..c: D @t=0; D @c=0; j=0; /* maggiori ogni "delta" pacchetti D[s+32]=j; /* aggiorna estimatori ogni 200 volte D @delta>200#.2| D @delta <<= 1; /* delta cresce all'inizio ..2: D*s="."; a=s; _P<(a); a=@olen; r=@destAdd; c=@destLen; i=@obuf; sendto(b, i, a, 0, r, c); a!=@olen#.e; D[s+16]#.3; c=@ilen; r=@ibuf; a=&[s+100]; *a=b; D[a+4]=r; D[a+8]=c; i=&[a+12]; r=& @destAdd; c = & @destLen; D[a+24]=r; D[a+28]=c; D[a+32]=0; CreateThread(0, 0, dg_threadf, a, 0, i); a==0#.e; [s+16]=a; ..3: j=@t; ..4: a=@t; Sleep(a); a=[s+16]; c=s; GetExitCodeThread(a, c); a==0#.6; D*s!=STILL_ACTIVE!#.5 b=[s+116]; b<0?#.7; a=[s+32]; @t=a; ++D @c; a=b; clc; ##.f; ..5: a=@t; j+=@t; ++a; D[s+32]+=a; @t=a; /* il tempo aumenta se problemi j>30100!#.4 /* 30 secondi timeout per nuovo sendto --D[s+24]!; ##.2; /* 1+3 volte rinvia sendto; ..6: ##.e1; ..6a: PrintSockError(); ##.e1; ..6b: ##.9; ..7: D @t=0; D @c=0; D @delta=4; a=-1; stc; ##.f; /* reset _P<("Timeout ... \n"); D[s+132]=1; socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 ); a==INVALID_SOCKET#.6a; i=a; /* nome del socket client [quello del client] r=&[s+200]; a=&[s+8]; D*a=16; getsockname(b, r, a); a#.6b; inet_addr(""); a==INADDR_NONE#.9; r=&[s+200]; j^=j; [r+sin_addr]=a; /* printSockAddr_in(r); ..8: r=&[s+200]; a=&[s+8]; c=&[s+4]; sendto(i, c, 0, 0, r, a); a!=0#.9; ..55: Sleep(500); a=[s+16]; c=s; GetExitCodeThread(a, c); a==0#.9; ++j; D*s!=STILL_ACTIVE#.9; j==7#.9; j==3#.8; #.55; ..9: dg_close1(i); jnc .e1; _P<("dg_SndRcv: Errore nel chiudere il socket\n"); /* chiude i=socket, j=thread ..e1: j=[s+16]; CloseHandle(j); a==0#.77; ##.7 /* errore==0 #.77 ..77: TerminateThread(j, 0); CloseHandle(j); ##.7; ..f: /* se dopo 4 volte ancora nessuna risposta esce ret 32 this is the traslation ; ritorna -1 D[s+116Funzione_chiamante]==D[s+20qui]==-1 se errore ; ritorna 0 D[s+116Funzione_chiamante]==linea_ricevuta_len se OK ; 0j, 4i, 8r, 12c, 16b, 20ra, 24P_a dg_threadf: push ebx push ecx push edx push esi push edi ; 100:4(socket), 104:4(@ibuf), 108:4(ilen) ; 112:4(var), 116:4(Valore ret di dg_threadf), 124:4(& @destAdd) ; 128:4(& @destLen), 132:4(Timeout), 136:16(fromwhere?) ; 156:4(len) mov esi, [esp+24] mov ebx, [esi] ..0: mov edx, [esi+4] mov ecx, [esi+8] lea edi, [esi+36] lea eax, [esi+56] mov dword[eax], 16 push eax push edi push 0 push ecx push edx push ebx call recvfrom cmp eax, SOCKET_ERROR jne .1 ..e: mov eax, -1 mov dword[esi+16], eax jmp short .f ..1: ; timeout cmp dword[esi+32] , 0 jne .e cmp dword[edi+20], 8 jb .e ; risposta troppo piccola mov edx, [edi] ; confronta addr. port mov ecx, [esi+24] mov ecx, [ecx] cmp edx, [ecx] jne .0 mov edx, [edi+4] ; del messaggio con quelle da ricevere cmp edx, [ecx+4] jne .0 mov dword[esi+16], eax ; fine ok mov eax, 0 ..f: pop edi pop esi pop edx pop ecx pop ebx ret 4 ; int dg_SndRcv( char* ibuf, int ilen, char* obuf, int olen, ; int fd, char* destAdd_cliAdd, int destLen, int* Pint3A) ; funzione che manda domanda(obuf), riceve risposta(ibuf) usando UDP ; se timeout senza risposta o errori ritorna -1 e CF==1 ; altrimenti ritorna lunghezza messaggio ricevuto e CF==0 ; ; "Pint3A" punta a un vettore di 3 interi inizializzato ; per la prima volta a "Pint3A[0]=0; Pint3A[1]=0; Pint3A[2]=4;" ; ; 256+28=284, 256+32=288 ; 0k, 4j, 8i, 12r, 16c, 20b, 24ra, 28P_ibuf, 32P_ilen, 36P_obuf, 40P_olen ; 44P_fd, 48P_destAdd, 52P_destLen, 56P_Pint3A dg_SndRcv: push ebx push ecx push edx push esi push edi push ebp sub esp, 256 %define @ibuf [esp+284] %define @ilen [esp+288] %define @obuf [esp+292] %define @olen [esp+296] %define @fd [esp+300] %define @destAdd [esp+304] %define @destLen [esp+308] %define @Pint3A [esp+312] %define @t [ebp] %define @c [ebp+4] %define @delta [ebp+8] ; s = 0:4(var), 16:4(Var), 24:4(N.trasmissioni) ; 32:4(Tempo totale), 36:16(NewAddr), 56:4(newLen) ; 100:4(socket), 104:4(@ibuf), 108:4(ilen) ; 112:4(var), 116:4(Valore ret di dg_threadf), 124:4(& @destAdd) ; 128:4(& @destLen), 132:4(Timeout), 136:16(fromwhere?) ; 156:4(len) ; 200:16(& @cliaddr) mov esi, @obuf ; 1+tre ritrasmissioni mov ebp, @Pint3A mov dword[esp+24], 4 mov dword[esp+16], 0 cmp dword @ibuf, 0 je .e cmp esi, 0 je .e cmp dword @destAdd, 0 jne .a cmp dword @destLen, 0 jne .e jmp short .b ..a: cmp dword @destLen, 0 jl .e ..b: mov ebx, @fd cmp ebx, -1 je .e cmp dword @ilen, 0 jle .e cmp dword @olen, 0 jl .e cmp ebp, 0 je .e mov edi, @t mov dword[esp+32], edi jmp short .1 ..e: mov eax, -1 stc jmp .f ..1: cmp dword @t, 0 je .2 cmp dword @t, 10000 ja .c ; 10s se esageratamente grande vai e ricalcola mov ecx, @c ; aggiorna il timer per velocita' cmp ecx, @delta jne .2 ..c: ; maggiori ogni "delta" pacchetti mov dword @t, 0 mov dword @c, 0 mov edi, 0 mov dword[esp+32], edi ; aggiorna estimatori ogni 200 volte cmp dword @delta, 200 ja .2 ; delta cresce all'inizio shl dword @delta, 1 ..2: mov dword[esp], "." mov eax, esp push eax call _P add esp, 4 mov eax, @olen mov edx, @destAdd mov ecx, @destLen mov esi, @obuf push ecx push edx push 0 push eax push esi push ebx call sendto cmp eax, @olen jne .e cmp dword[esp+16], 0 jne .3 mov ecx, @ilen mov edx, @ibuf lea eax, [esp+100] mov [eax], ebx mov dword[eax+4], edx mov dword[eax+8], ecx lea esi, [eax+12] lea edx, @destAdd lea ecx, @destLen mov dword[eax+24], edx mov dword[eax+28], ecx mov dword[eax+32], 0 push esi push 0 push eax push dg_threadf push 0 push 0 call CreateThread cmp eax, 0 je .e mov [esp+16], eax ..3: mov edi, @t ..4: mov eax, @t push eax call Sleep mov eax, [esp+16] mov ecx, esp push ecx push eax call GetExitCodeThread cmp eax, 0 je .6 cmp dword[esp], STILL_ACTIVE je .5 mov ebx, [esp+116] cmp ebx, 0 jl .7 mov eax, [esp+32] mov @t, eax inc dword @c mov eax, ebx clc jmp .f ..5: ; il tempo aumenta se problemi mov eax, @t add edi, @t inc eax add dword[esp+32], eax mov @t, eax cmp edi, 30100 jbe .4 ; 30 secondi timeout per nuovo sendto dec dword[esp+24] jz .ee ; 1+3 volte rinvia sendto; jmp .2 ..6: jmp .e1 ..6a: call PrintSockError jmp .e1 ..6b: jmp .9 ..7: ; reset mov dword @t, 0 mov dword @c, 0 mov dword @delta, 4 mov eax, -1 stc jmp .f push _Timeout_$$$_$n call _P add esp, 4 mov dword[esp+132], 1 push 0 push SOCK_DGRAM push AF_INET call socket cmp eax, INVALID_SOCKET je .6a mov esi, eax lea edx, [esp+200] lea eax, [esp+8] mov dword[eax], 16 push eax push edx push ebx call getsockname cmp eax, 0 jne .6b push _127$0$0$1 call inet_addr cmp eax, INADDR_NONE je .9 lea edx, [esp+200] xor edi, edi mov [edx+sin_addr], eax ; printSockAddr_in(r); ..8: lea edx, [esp+200] lea eax, [esp+8] lea ecx, [esp+4] push eax push edx push 0 push 0 push ecx push esi call sendto cmp eax, 0 jne .9 ..55: push 500 call Sleep mov eax, [esp+16] mov ecx, esp push ecx push eax call GetExitCodeThread cmp eax, 0 je .9 inc edi cmp dword[esp], STILL_ACTIVE jne .9 cmp edi, 7 je .9 cmp edi, 3 je .8 jmp short .55 ..9: push esi call dg_close1 jnc .e1 push _dg$SndRcv$_Errore_nel_chiudere_il_socket$n call _P add esp, 4 ; chiude i=socket, j=thread ..e1: ; errore==0 #.77 mov edi, [esp+16] push edi call CloseHandle cmp eax, 0 je .77 jmp .7 ..77: push 0 push edi call TerminateThread push edi call CloseHandle jmp .7 ..f: ; se dopo 4 volte ancora nessuna risposta esce %undef @t %undef @c %undef @delta ; e ritorna -1 %undef @fd %undef @destAdd %undef @destLen %undef @Pint3A %undef @ibuf %undef @ilen %undef @obuf %undef @olen lea esp, [esp+256] pop ebp pop edi pop esi pop edx pop ecx pop ebx ret 32 [/QUOTE]
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C Programming
[alt.lang.asm,comp.lang.c]assembly Vs C Language