Maurice Termeer
Hi, suppose I have an abstract base class called shape and lots of
subclasses like square, circle, triangle and such. These subclasses may
have subclasses themselves as well, but shape is on top of the
inheritance tree.
Now suppose I want to write a different component to draw these shapes.
By different component I really mean different, so the whole
datastructure can be used by other programs that do not know about the
drawing component. And second, the drawing component may not be able to
draw all shapes. My question is, how should the drawing component look like?
Right now I have something like:
class ShapeDrawer {
void draw(shape *p) {
if (typeid(p) == typeid(circle))
else if (typeid(p) == typeid(triangle))
else ...
void draw(circle *p) { ... }
void draw(triangle *p) { ... }
This works, but doesn't look nice. I don't like the overhead of the
draw(shape *p) function. Is there a way to let the compiler do this? Of
course making draw a virtual function of shape would solve it all, but
that is not possible since it really need to be separate components.
Maurice Termeer
subclasses like square, circle, triangle and such. These subclasses may
have subclasses themselves as well, but shape is on top of the
inheritance tree.
Now suppose I want to write a different component to draw these shapes.
By different component I really mean different, so the whole
datastructure can be used by other programs that do not know about the
drawing component. And second, the drawing component may not be able to
draw all shapes. My question is, how should the drawing component look like?
Right now I have something like:
class ShapeDrawer {
void draw(shape *p) {
if (typeid(p) == typeid(circle))
else if (typeid(p) == typeid(triangle))
else ...
void draw(circle *p) { ... }
void draw(triangle *p) { ... }
This works, but doesn't look nice. I don't like the overhead of the
draw(shape *p) function. Is there a way to let the compiler do this? Of
course making draw a virtual function of shape would solve it all, but
that is not possible since it really need to be separate components.
Maurice Termeer