Unfortunately, my experience with this product has not been favorable.
I had hoped to use the mod_gsoap product to read an XML file, do a
database search on the server side (written in C), retrieve results and
send them back to the client in XML format. All code written for the
database (Oracle) is ready.
The documentation and coding associated with mod_gsoap do not work as
advertised and seems to be out of date
http://mx.aberger.at/SOAP/apache_index.html), some samples have coding
errors that don't have documented resolutions despite the age of the
product. Locating solutions (in genearal) proves to be somewhat
difficult. Unlike the .cgi examples (where one can genearate log files:
RECV.log, etc.), activating the DEBUG option with mod_gsoap creates no
logs - thus increasing the difficulty to troubleshoot issues: repairs
cannot be made unless you know what is broken.
After reading/compiling/reading and compiling some more, I have come to
the conclusion that there *must* be some other product - that has the
same functionality - but have better documentation, samples, etc.
Perhaps the .cgi option is good but the mod_gsoap option leaves much to
be desired.
Michael said:
What do you mean by unstable? And in what way do you intend to process
To the best of my knowledge I have not seen any instability in gsoap when
interfacing with C.
Just from the little bit in this thread; try rebuilding gsoap with debug on
then you may get some useful debugging info. Assume that your app is using
gsoap incorrectly.