An app without GUI


Daniel Crespo

Hello to all,

I have to build a server app without GUI. This app must be an xml-rpc
server, so it has to be up all the time. I would control it through the
xml-rpc port from a web interface using php, sending parameters to
defined xml-rpc functions for running certain processes, like viewing
current connections, restart it or shutting it down, for example.

Actually, I have it implemented with wxPython. The GUI controls when
the xml-rpc server is running, so when I close the GUI, so does the
server and all the dependent threads.

I want to do something like the MainLoop(), but without GUI. I can sit
down and build all this stuff, but I would like to know if someone had
passed through this. Any tips?




Daniel said:
Hello to all,

I have to build a server app without GUI. This app must be an xml-rpc
server, so it has to be up all the time. I would control it through the
xml-rpc port from a web interface using php, sending parameters to
defined xml-rpc functions for running certain processes, like viewing
current connections, restart it or shutting it down, for example.

Actually, I have it implemented with wxPython. The GUI controls when
the xml-rpc server is running, so when I close the GUI, so does the
server and all the dependent threads.

I want to do something like the MainLoop(), but without GUI. I can sit
down and build all this stuff, but I would like to know if someone had
passed through this. Any tips?


here is complete example - some words in french
note: this will open a dos box for std IO
# -*- encoding: iso-8859-1 -*-
import os
import SimpleXMLRPCServer
import xmlrpclib

class mainServeur(object):
""" going to be the servicing object"""
def __init__(self):

def testServeur(self):
return "i am a server"

monPort = 4089 # whatever
server = SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer(("", monPort))

def kill():
global quit
quit = 1
return "i am a dying server"

# Globales
quit = 0
activeController= mainServeur()


#Go into the main listener loop
print "llistening on port ",monPort
while not quit :

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