[ANN] ActiveMerchant 1.0.0 Release


Cody Fauser

This is just a quick announcement to let you know that we have
released ActiveMerchant 1.0.0 and created a new homepage for the
project at http://activemerchant.org. The homepage has links to all
relevant information such as the source code, documentation, mailing
list, gems, etc.

ActiveMerchant currently supports the following gateways:

Authorize.net, eWay, LinkPoint, Moneris, Psigate, PayPal Payflow Pro,
PayPal Website Payments Standard, PayPal Website Payments Pro US,
PayPal Website Payments Pro UK, TrustCommerce, USA ePay, Chronopay,
Nochex, and Banca Sella GestPay

What does it look like?

creditcard = ActiveMerchant::Billing::CreditCard.new(
:type => 'visa'
:number => '4242424242424242',
:month => 8,
:year => 2009,
:first_name => 'Bob',
:last_name => 'Bobsen'

if creditcard.valid?

# Create a gateway object to the Authorize.net service
gateway = ActiveMerchant::Billing::AuthorizeNetGateway.new

# Authorize for 10 dollars (1000 cents)
response = gateway.authorize(1000, creditcard)

if response.success?

# Capture the money right away
gateway.capture(1000, response.authorization)
raise StandardError, response.message

Please note that we have switched the svn repository over to Google
Code and there will no longer be any more updates to the old
repository. We will leave the old repository in place for now, but we
will be taking down sometime in the near future.

In the future we also hope to beef up the documentation, including
some tutorials, so that new users can get started more quickly.

Greg Donald

This is just a quick announcement to let you know that we have
released ActiveMerchant 1.0.0 and created a new homepage for the
project at http://activemerchant.org.

This part on the hompage that states "is now used in most modern Ruby
applications which deal with financial transactions", where exactly
are you drawing that conclusion from?

I'm genuinely curious as e-commerce has been one of the more important
hurdles to overcome with Rubyonrails adoption at the otherwise very
productive PHP shop I work at.


Gregory Brown

This part on the hompage that states "is now used in most modern Ruby
applications which deal with financial transactions", where exactly
are you drawing that conclusion from?

ActiveMerchant looks very cool, but honestly that sounds like
marketing speak to me.
Is there any hard data behind that? If so, it'd be great to have a
link to a list of who's using it (for reference and also to promote
ActiveMerchant). If not, maybe it shouldn't be there.

Gregory Brown

ActiveMerchant looks very cool, but honestly that sounds like
marketing speak to me.
Is there any hard data behind that? If so, it'd be great to have a
link to a list of who's using it (for reference and also to promote
ActiveMerchant). If not, maybe it shouldn't be there.

Are all of these using Shopify?

If so, this would be a great link to back up this claim.

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