[ann] aeditor-2.1 (megacorp release)



Simon, is it still dependednt on FOX? I couldn't find any info on
dependencies on the website.

The new look at website is nice BTW.


Lothar Scholz

Hello Simon,

Your code is very short, so i'm curious which of the 16 points on your
webpage http://aeditor.rubyforge.org/buffer2/index.html are support by
the current implementation. I mean everything except 13,15 and 16
which are independent or a side-effect of the used datastructure.

And one specific question:
I never had an amiga, so i don't know what you mean with "the good old
Amiga multicolor fonts". Do you have any example screenshots of those
and maybe a URL of a webpage which describes formats and give some
example data/code ? With arachno ruby i also run into the situation
that sometimes some multicolor fonts might help . But doesn't they
forbid customization of color themes ?

I would like to start a discussion of editor implementation and also
share my experience but i'm not sure if the mailing list is such a
good place to do this.

Martin DeMello

Lothar Scholz said:
I would like to start a discussion of editor implementation and also
share my experience but i'm not sure if the mailing list is such a
good place to do this.

I'd be interested in it, at any rate.


Simon Strandgaard

Simon, is it still dependednt on FOX? I couldn't find any info on
dependencies on the website.

version 2.x depends on ruby 1.8.x and libncursesw.so.
There is no dependency on FOX.
Besides it expects that the term can render unicode glyphs.

Later I plan to do a GUI frontend.. where I maybe will use FOX or Wx
(its very difficult to decide which toolkit to use).

The new look at website is nice BTW.


Simon Strandgaard

Hello Simon,

Your code is very short, so i'm curious which of the 16 points on your
webpage http://aeditor.rubyforge.org/buffer2/index.html are support by
the current implementation. I mean everything except 13,15 and 16
which are independent or a side-effect of the used datastructure.

1. Bad caching: no caching at the moment.
I will add this when I add syntax coloring.

2. Optimized vertical scrolling: no caching at the moment.
I will add this when I add syntax coloring.

3. Robustness: ok. I have tested this carefully.
The model can only be modified via one function: replace.
The datastructure for the first time is rock solid.

4. Folding: ok

5. Optimized horizontal scrolling: not optimized.
I will add this when I add syntax coloring.

6. 2 Pass lexing: no lexing yet.

7. Multiple views: ok.

8. i18n: ok, this is my first editor that supports unicode.
(im interested in also adding big5 encoding).

9. prevent explosion of objects: ok.
I have reduced complex data structures to simple arrays, which are
easier to take snapshots of (for undo/redo). There is no undo/redo
implemented yet.. but things shouldn't produce that many objects.

10. live templates: not supported yet.
In both aeditor 0.x and 1.x I had editing strategies.
A similar setup which is enhanced a bit more is required.

11. Soft wordwrap: I don't want to support this.
This creates all sorts of puzzles. Maybe I will look more indepth on this
in the futurue. But don't expect anything here.

12. Rectangular Selections: not implemented yet.
Now when things are simpler then it should be easier to

13. Better GUI: undecided yet.

14. Nested Lexers: I have thought more about it.
There will be support for this, but nothing yet.

15. More Speed: ok.
maybe some caching a few places.

16. Simplify Things: ok.
things has been simplified.

[i got to goto my job]

Florian Gross

Simon said:
Later I plan to do a GUI frontend.. where I maybe will use FOX or Wx
(its very difficult to decide which toolkit to use).

I'd prefer wxRuby, personally.


Yeppy! I will download and try right away.

I'm all for a GUI version BTW, but I would like there to be both kinds
--a console version is very important too. I expect in time, aeditor
could b/c the default text editor for rubyx.


Alexander Kellett

Yeppy! I will download and try right away.

I'm all for a GUI version BTW, but I would like there to be both kinds
--a console version is very important too. I expect in time, aeditor
could b/c the default text editor for rubyx.

i'll prob work on vim like keybindings
and a qt frontend. no time anymore for ruvi.


Simon Strandgaard

On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 04:12:27 +0100, Lothar Scholz
And one specific question:
I never had an amiga, so i don't know what you mean with "the good old
Amiga multicolor fonts". Do you have any example screenshots of those
and maybe a URL of a webpage which describes formats and give some
example data/code ? With arachno ruby i also run into the situation
that sometimes some multicolor fonts might help . But doesn't they
forbid customization of color themes ?

there are some shots of multi color fonts here:

I am not interested in color bloated fonts.. just nice fonts (or retro fonts).

If stored as bitmap fonts then a separate palette file could be stored.
Perhaps with 5 different palette fonts per font.
Alternatively could the font be stored as SVG.
I have never heard of a standardized multicolor font format, so I think
one would have to invent a format.

Too bad so many applications only supports mono fonts.

I would like to start a discussion of editor implementation and also
share my experience but i'm not sure if the mailing list is such a
good place to do this.

You are welcome to join aeditor-talk (not much going on at the moment)

I would like to discuss editors too :)

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