Jeremy Hinegardner
amalgalite version 0.5.1 has been released.
gem install amalgalite
Amalgalite embeds the SQLite database engine in a ruby extension. There is no
need to install SQLite separately.
Look in the examples/ directory to see
* general usage
* blob io
* schema information
Also Scroll through Amalgalite:atabase for a quick example, and a general
overview of the API.
{{ Release notes for Version 0.5.1 and 0.5.0 }}
== Version 0.5.1 - 2008-11-30
=== Minor Enhancement
* update to SQLite version
== Version 0.5.0 - 2008-11-16
=== Major Enhancement
* amalgalite-pack-into-db has been reworked into amalgalite-pack
* ruby code that is packed into a database for later requiring can now be
gem install amalgalite
Amalgalite embeds the SQLite database engine in a ruby extension. There is no
need to install SQLite separately.
Look in the examples/ directory to see
* general usage
* blob io
* schema information
Also Scroll through Amalgalite:atabase for a quick example, and a general
overview of the API.
{{ Release notes for Version 0.5.1 and 0.5.0 }}
== Version 0.5.1 - 2008-11-30
=== Minor Enhancement
* update to SQLite version
== Version 0.5.0 - 2008-11-16
=== Major Enhancement
* amalgalite-pack-into-db has been reworked into amalgalite-pack
* ruby code that is packed into a database for later requiring can now be