[ANN] Barby 0.1 - Ruby barcode generator that doesn't suck (thatmuch)


Tore Darell

This is something I released a while ago, but I thought I'd announce
it here too, as I'm sure not everyone in the target group reads my

Barby is a pure Ruby barcode generator. It doesn't rely on 3rd party
libraries (well, unless you want it to do anything useful) and it's
easily extensible. It currently supports the following symbologies:

* Code128
* GS1128 (aka EAN/UCC-128)
* EAN-13 (aka UPC-A)
* Bookland
* EAN-8
* Code39

The logic for generating graphical representations of the barcodes is
split into "outputters". There are currently two outputters, one that
uses RMagick and another that annotates a PDF/Writer document, and
creating new ones is easy.

Some sample code:

require 'barby'
require 'barby/outputter/rmagick_outputter'

barcode = Barby::Code128B.new('IM-IN-UR-BARCODE')

File.open('test.png', 'w') do |f|
f.write barcode.to_png

Barby is available as a gem (gem install barby) and from

If you feel like adding support for more symbologies, let me know and
I'll put it into the "official" repo. If you spec it too, that's
doubly awesome.

Mikel Lindsaar

barcode = Barby::Code128B.new('IM-IN-UR-BARCODE')
File.open('test.png', 'w') do |f|
f.write barcode.to_png

Heh... I just showed this to a work associate of mine who has been
writing barcodes out directly to an epson printer comm spec.

He almost fell over in shock.

I love Ruby :)

By the way:

baci:~ mikel$ date
Tue Apr 22 20:12:57 EST 2008
baci:~ mikel$ sudo gem install barby
ERROR: could not find barby locally or in a repository

Maybe still flowing into the gem servers?


Tore Darell

Heh... I just showed this to a work associate of mine who has been
writing barcodes out directly to an epson printer comm spec.

He almost fell over in shock.

I love Ruby :)

By the way:

baci:~ mikel$ date
Tue Apr 22 20:12:57 EST 2008
baci:~ mikel$ sudo gem install barby
ERROR: could not find barby locally or in a repository

Maybe still flowing into the gem servers?


Hm, it's a while now since I uploaded it to RF, so it should work.
This is my first gem on RF, so I might not have done everything right,
but it works for me now, and has before too.. Hopefully (or, hopefully
not, probably) it's just some sort of server hickup.

The gem file is here: http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=5831&release_id=20294


Foreero Ivan

Does it work with PDF ??? how ??

I try to run this

require 'barby'
require 'barby/outputter/rmagick_outputter'

barcode = Barby::Code128B.new('IM-IN-UR-BARCODE')

File.open('test.png', 'w') do |f|
f.write barcode.to_png

but ruby says me that
barby.rb:8: uninitialized constant Barby::Code128B (NameError)
what I doing wrong??


Please somebody can help me , I'm new with ruby , can anybdy tell me
how use barby with PDF's documents ?


Ramon Cahenzli

Foreero said:
Please somebody can help me , I'm new with ruby , can anybdy tell me
how use barby with PDF's documents ?

It's not the only way, but if you're using Ruby FPDF, I've written a
small extension that can print Barby codes into FPDF-generated PDFs:


Or straight in svn:


The next feature I'll add is that you can specify the maximum width of
barcodes, as some applications apparently require this.

The code is not very Rubyish as you'll see, but we can't really help it.
With Ruby FPDF we're stuck in a world where Ruby speaks PHP, so which
way around should an FPDF extension think? This one is messed up in its
head and tries to do both, with variables in all sorts of casings. I'll
have to clean that up. Also, some more error handling would be nice.

We'll be starting to use this in production with several ten thousand
barcodes in Code 128A and Code 39, because we soon need to put together
a batch labeling feature for our inventory system, so I'm sure it'll
improve a bit then :)

Let me know how and if it works for you, against all odds.


Tore Darell

It's not the only way, but if you're using Ruby FPDF, I've written a
small extension that can print Barby codes into FPDF-generated PDFs:

Also, if you're using PDF::Writer, there's built-in support for that:

require 'barby'
require 'barby/outputter/pdfwriter_outputter'

pdf = PDF::Writer.new
barcode = Barby::Code128B.new('humbaba')

The CairoOutputter can generate PDFs from scratch if you for some
reason want that:

require 'barby/outputter/cairo_outputter'

File.open('test.pdf'){|f| f << barcode.to_pdf }

In the git repo there's an experimental PrawnOutputter that can both
annotate and generate PDFs using Prawn.


Kevin Marsh

[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

Hate to resurrect an old thread, but I got this to work with Prawn, and it's
pretty slick.
(This is in a prawnto/Rails view)

require 'barby'
require 'barby/outputter/prawn_outputter'

pdf.bounding_box [450,700], :width => 100 do
barcode = Barby::Code39.new(@order.order_identifier)
barcode.annotate_pdf(pdf, :height => 30)

Plops a nice vector barcode right there. Really slick!


Andy Tolle

To whoever wrote this application/extension, I'd like to express my
gratitude. I'm facing an issue where barcodes could be the solution...
especially how these barcodes can be outputted to PDF is hopeful to me,
so I'm looking forward putting it to the test... anyway, without your
collective efforts, I'd had little to test, so thanks a bunch.



This is something I released a while ago, but I thought I'd announce

Hi, you mentioned a ver 0.1 but we got a ver0.4.2. Are they the same gem?

thanks for barby (very nice name btw)
best regards -botp

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