Hi all,
I'm trying to get a regular Boston Ruby meetup going, maybe as the
first step towards getting a more formal users group happening in
Boston. Meetup has scheduled the first meeting for next Thursday. (2nd
Thursday of the month)
Haven't chosen a location yet, as I'd like to get a sense from folks
interested where they are in the city. (I'm out in JP, so my default
choices probably won't work well for most people)
I'm a newcomer to Ruby, and newly returned to Boston, and excited about
both of them. I'm currently doing some Rails consulting for Odeo.com
to get myself started.
If you're interested, sign up for the meetup. If you've got thoughts
on a location post to the discussion board, send me an email, or track
me down on freenode. (nick: kellan) I'll probably pick a location this
I'm trying to get a regular Boston Ruby meetup going, maybe as the
first step towards getting a more formal users group happening in
Boston. Meetup has scheduled the first meeting for next Thursday. (2nd
Thursday of the month)
Haven't chosen a location yet, as I'd like to get a sense from folks
interested where they are in the city. (I'm out in JP, so my default
choices probably won't work well for most people)
I'm a newcomer to Ruby, and newly returned to Boston, and excited about
both of them. I'm currently doing some Rails consulting for Odeo.com
to get myself started.
If you're interested, sign up for the meetup. If you've got thoughts
on a location post to the discussion board, send me an email, or track
me down on freenode. (nick: kellan) I'll probably pick a location this