Hello everyone,
I'm happy to announce that the first release candidate for
CherryPy-2.2.0 is now available.
This release includes various bugfixes, a new benchmarking tool and
improved WSGI support.
Check out this great post from Christian Wyglendowski to see how you
can run multiple WSGI-CherryPy apps using other tools like wsgutils or
Paste (or do the opposite: run a PyBloxsom or MoinMoin WSGI app within
Christian has also put together a great screencast showing how to run
CherryPy and interact with it directly from the prompt:
About CherryPy:
CherryPy is a pythonic, lightweight and straightforward (no
dependencies) web development framework.
Here is a sample Hello, World in CherryPy:
# import cherrypy
# class HelloWorld:
# @cherrypy.expose
# def index(self):
# yield "<html><body>"
# yield "Hello world!"
# yield "</body></html>"
# cherrypy.root = HelloWorld()
# cherrypy.server.start()
Details and downloads for the 2.2.0-rc1 release are available from the
CherryPy website:
I'm happy to announce that the first release candidate for
CherryPy-2.2.0 is now available.
This release includes various bugfixes, a new benchmarking tool and
improved WSGI support.
Check out this great post from Christian Wyglendowski to see how you
can run multiple WSGI-CherryPy apps using other tools like wsgutils or
Paste (or do the opposite: run a PyBloxsom or MoinMoin WSGI app within
Christian has also put together a great screencast showing how to run
CherryPy and interact with it directly from the prompt:
About CherryPy:
CherryPy is a pythonic, lightweight and straightforward (no
dependencies) web development framework.
Here is a sample Hello, World in CherryPy:
# import cherrypy
# class HelloWorld:
# @cherrypy.expose
# def index(self):
# yield "<html><body>"
# yield "Hello world!"
# yield "</body></html>"
# cherrypy.root = HelloWorld()
# cherrypy.server.start()
Details and downloads for the 2.2.0-rc1 release are available from the
CherryPy website: