ECF-JSF is a framework to build Java Server Faces Web applications
using a simple scripting language.
This framework is built on top of Java Server Faces and the IENJINIA
PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE (http://sourceforge.net/projects/ienjinia) to
provide an easy-to-learn environment to develop Java Web applications.
It benefits from the flexibility provided by the Java Server Faces
architecture, providing a unified syntax to code the different type of
components (navigation, logic, pages, etc).
Home page: http://www.ecforms.net
Project on SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ecforms
using a simple scripting language.
This framework is built on top of Java Server Faces and the IENJINIA
PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE (http://sourceforge.net/projects/ienjinia) to
provide an easy-to-learn environment to develop Java Web applications.
It benefits from the flexibility provided by the Java Server Faces
architecture, providing a unified syntax to code the different type of
components (navigation, logic, pages, etc).
Home page: http://www.ecforms.net
Project on SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ecforms