Mike Clark
Announcing a new offering from Pragmatic Studio: An Enterprise Ruby =20
Studio to be held September 11-13 in Boston, MA. Learn how to use =20
the power and expressiveness of Ruby, and how to use it as your =20
enterprise "glue."
Use Ruby for Enterprise Software Development
Enterprise software development is often about integrating =20
information from multiple systems, usually built with disparate =20
technologies, in order to increase the value of both the applications =20=
you=92re building today and the longevity of your existing =20
applications, resources, and data. An in-depth knowledge of Ruby, a =20
cross-platform, object-oriented programming language, will allow you =20
to tie such systems together, and do so with incredible flexibility.
Learn Advanced Ruby Features
You=92ll also gain hands-on experience using metaprogramming, domain =20
specific languages, LDAP, XML, web services, and other advanced Ruby =20
Learn =46rom Pros
With extensive experience using Java, .NET, _and_ Ruby, Justin =20
Gehtland and Stu Halloway really understand the enterprise =20
landscape. They bring diverse backgrounds to this Studio to help you =20=
choose the best tool for the job. In addition to their ongoing =20
client work, they are the authors of the upcoming book "Rails for =20
Java Programmers" and the creators of the open source Streamlined =20
Sign up by July 31st for a $200 early registration discount. =20
Register at:
Announcing a new offering from Pragmatic Studio: An Enterprise Ruby =20
Studio to be held September 11-13 in Boston, MA. Learn how to use =20
the power and expressiveness of Ruby, and how to use it as your =20
enterprise "glue."
Use Ruby for Enterprise Software Development
Enterprise software development is often about integrating =20
information from multiple systems, usually built with disparate =20
technologies, in order to increase the value of both the applications =20=
you=92re building today and the longevity of your existing =20
applications, resources, and data. An in-depth knowledge of Ruby, a =20
cross-platform, object-oriented programming language, will allow you =20
to tie such systems together, and do so with incredible flexibility.
Learn Advanced Ruby Features
You=92ll also gain hands-on experience using metaprogramming, domain =20
specific languages, LDAP, XML, web services, and other advanced Ruby =20
Learn =46rom Pros
With extensive experience using Java, .NET, _and_ Ruby, Justin =20
Gehtland and Stu Halloway really understand the enterprise =20
landscape. They bring diverse backgrounds to this Studio to help you =20=
choose the best tool for the job. In addition to their ongoing =20
client work, they are the authors of the upcoming book "Rails for =20
Java Programmers" and the creators of the open source Streamlined =20
Sign up by July 31st for a $200 early registration discount. =20
Register at: