the Ruby built-in Find module lacks a lot of features the
GNU find tools has. I wrote a new one (~170 lines).
Maybe somebody likes it.
this is one of the very smallest directories i am working with:
[cfadmin@yacht cfadmin]$ find /mnt/yacht0/data/night_files/|wc -l
[cfadmin@yacht cfadmin]$ ruby a.rb
user system total real
bertram.scharpf.find 2.140000 1.230000 3.370000 ( 7.602333)
alib.util.find 1.360000 0.440000 1.800000 ( 1.812519)
[cfadmin@yacht cfadmin]$ cat a.rb
require 'benchmark'
require 'alib'
require 'bertram.scharpf.find.rb'
top = '/mnt/yacht0/data/night_files/'
Benchmark.bm do |b|
b.report('bertram.scharpf.find'){ Find.open(top){|x|} }
b.report('alib.util.find'){ alib.util.find(top){|x|} }
also there is alib.util.find2 which yields the stat together with the
path, preventing and extra stat on the pathname. in practice doing
something like
def method_missing m, *a, &b
stat.send m, *a, &b
means you have to use a ton of code since it's possible that
f.size ### no error
f.mtime ### ENOENT
btw mine
isn't a spectacular implementation, it is based on Motoyuki
Kasahara's 2001 lib, which used to be on the raa, called find2 - but
it's reasonably fast, does depth and breath, caches stats, and
handles files evaporation from the filesystem or not being accessible
due to permissions errors.
i think all these libraries prove that a new find mechanism needs to
be incorporated into the stdlib! we should take the best features
from all the various libs and propose a new library that is backward
compatible with the built-in find.
kind regards.
a @