ara howard
brain-dead simple parallel processing for ruby
gem install forkoff
forkoff works for any enumerable object, iterating a code block to
run in a
child process and collecting the results. forkoff can limit the
number of
child processes which is, by default, 8.
<========< samples/a.rb >========>
~ > cat samples/a.rb
# forkoff makes it trivial to do parallel processing with ruby,
the following
# prints out each word in a separate process
require 'forkoff'
%w( hey you ).forkoff!{|word| puts "#{ word } from
#{ Process.pid }"}
~ > ruby samples/a.rb
hey from 3239
you from 3240
<========< samples/b.rb >========>
~ > cat samples/b.rb
# for example, this takes only 1 second or so to complete
require 'forkoff'
a = Time.now.to_f
results =
(0..7).forkoff do |i|
sleep 1
i ** 2
b = Time.now.to_f
elapsed = b - a
puts "elapsed: #{ elapsed }"
puts "results: #{ results.inspect }"
~ > ruby samples/b.rb
elapsed: 1.07044386863708
results: [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49]
<========< samples/c.rb >========>
~ > cat samples/c.rb
# forkoff does *NOT* spawn processes in batches, waiting for each
batch to
# complete. rather, it keeps a certain number of processes busy
until all
# results have been gathered. in otherwords the following will
ensure that 2
# processes are running at all times, until the list is complete.
note that
# the following will take about 2 seconds to run (2 sets of 2 @ 1
require 'forkoff'
pid = Process.pid
a = Time.now.to_f
pstrees =
%w( a b c d ).forkoff! rocesses => 2 do |letter|
sleep 1
{ letter => ` pstree -l 2 #{ pid } ` }
b = Time.now.to_f
puts "pid: #{ pid }"
puts "elapsed: #{ b - a }"
require 'yaml'
pstrees.each do |pstree|
y pstree
~ > ruby samples/c.rb
pid: 3254
elapsed: 2.12998485565186
a: |
-+- 03254 ahoward ruby -Ilib samples/c.rb
|-+- 03255 ahoward ruby -Ilib samples/c.rb
\-+- 03256 ahoward ruby -Ilib samples/c.rb
b: |
-+- 03254 ahoward ruby -Ilib samples/c.rb
|-+- 03255 ahoward ruby -Ilib samples/c.rb
\-+- 03256 ahoward ruby -Ilib samples/c.rb
c: |
-+- 03254 ahoward ruby -Ilib samples/c.rb
|-+- 03261 ahoward (ruby)
\-+- 03262 ahoward ruby -Ilib samples/c.rb
d: |
-+- 03254 ahoward ruby -Ilib samples/c.rb
|-+- 03261 ahoward ruby -Ilib samples/c.rb
\-+- 03262 ahoward ruby -Ilib samples/c.rb
a @ http://codeforpeople.com/
brain-dead simple parallel processing for ruby
gem install forkoff
forkoff works for any enumerable object, iterating a code block to
run in a
child process and collecting the results. forkoff can limit the
number of
child processes which is, by default, 8.
<========< samples/a.rb >========>
~ > cat samples/a.rb
# forkoff makes it trivial to do parallel processing with ruby,
the following
# prints out each word in a separate process
require 'forkoff'
%w( hey you ).forkoff!{|word| puts "#{ word } from
#{ Process.pid }"}
~ > ruby samples/a.rb
hey from 3239
you from 3240
<========< samples/b.rb >========>
~ > cat samples/b.rb
# for example, this takes only 1 second or so to complete
require 'forkoff'
a = Time.now.to_f
results =
(0..7).forkoff do |i|
sleep 1
i ** 2
b = Time.now.to_f
elapsed = b - a
puts "elapsed: #{ elapsed }"
puts "results: #{ results.inspect }"
~ > ruby samples/b.rb
elapsed: 1.07044386863708
results: [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49]
<========< samples/c.rb >========>
~ > cat samples/c.rb
# forkoff does *NOT* spawn processes in batches, waiting for each
batch to
# complete. rather, it keeps a certain number of processes busy
until all
# results have been gathered. in otherwords the following will
ensure that 2
# processes are running at all times, until the list is complete.
note that
# the following will take about 2 seconds to run (2 sets of 2 @ 1
require 'forkoff'
pid = Process.pid
a = Time.now.to_f
pstrees =
%w( a b c d ).forkoff! rocesses => 2 do |letter|
sleep 1
{ letter => ` pstree -l 2 #{ pid } ` }
b = Time.now.to_f
puts "pid: #{ pid }"
puts "elapsed: #{ b - a }"
require 'yaml'
pstrees.each do |pstree|
y pstree
~ > ruby samples/c.rb
pid: 3254
elapsed: 2.12998485565186
a: |
-+- 03254 ahoward ruby -Ilib samples/c.rb
|-+- 03255 ahoward ruby -Ilib samples/c.rb
\-+- 03256 ahoward ruby -Ilib samples/c.rb
b: |
-+- 03254 ahoward ruby -Ilib samples/c.rb
|-+- 03255 ahoward ruby -Ilib samples/c.rb
\-+- 03256 ahoward ruby -Ilib samples/c.rb
c: |
-+- 03254 ahoward ruby -Ilib samples/c.rb
|-+- 03261 ahoward (ruby)
\-+- 03262 ahoward ruby -Ilib samples/c.rb
d: |
-+- 03254 ahoward ruby -Ilib samples/c.rb
|-+- 03261 ahoward ruby -Ilib samples/c.rb
\-+- 03262 ahoward ruby -Ilib samples/c.rb
a @ http://codeforpeople.com/