ANN: formulaic 0.1



I've been working on a form generation toolkit that integrates well
with FormEncode... its still under heavy development, of course, but
I've seen a lot of discussion of this topic on various mailing lists
over the past few days, and so wanted to get something out. Release
early and all that. So you can get it from

There's a README with a tutorial in there, which is also provided as a
friendlier README.html. It requires FormEncode (I developed with
FormEncode 0.22, but I expect it will work with older versions).
Current features include default values, intelligent detection and
rendering of "required" fields, extensive facilities for customization
of the output markup, etc. Mainly, I've tried to make it easy to use.

I'm a Cherrypy guy, and so aimed it at use with that; it should be
perfectly usable with TurboGears too (although its largely orthagonal
to the (problematic) way that TurboGears currently encourages you to
use forms). Really, its usable with any framework that lets you access
form submissions as a python dict.

For a really quick intro, I've pasted the contents of a sample script
that uses formulaic below, along with the output that script would

Its nowhere remotely near finished, of course, but hopefully is at a a
point that it can be useful for real world work. Questions,
suggestions, etc. are extraordinarily welcome.


from formencode import validators
from formencode.api import Invalid

from formulaic import forms
from formulaic import basicwidgets as widgets

form = forms.RequirementsForm()
form.attrs['id'] = 'myform'

form['age'] = widgets.TextInput(validators.Int(), 'Age')
form['age'].attrs = {'size':'4', 'maxlength':'3'}

colors = ['Red', 'Green', 'Blue']
form['favcolor'] = widgets.Select(validators.OneOf(colors), 'Favorite
color', options=colors)

form['pie'] = widgets.CheckboxInput(validators.Bool(), 'I like pie')

inputs = {'age':'ten', 'favcolor':'Green', 'pie':'checked'}

data = form.schema.to_python(inputs)
print data
except Invalid, error:
print form.render(inputs, error.error_dict)



<form action="" method="POST" id="myform">

<label class="required">Age</label>
<input type="text" name="age" value="ten"/>
<span class="error">Please enter an integer value</span>

<label class="required">Favorite color</label>
<select type="text" name="favcolor">
<option value="Red">Red</option>
<option selected="selected" value="Green">Green</option>
<option value="Blue">Blue</option>

<label>I like pie</label>
<input type="text" checked="checked" name="pie"/>

<input type="submit" value="Submit"/>


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