James Edward Gray II
Gambit 0.1.1 Released
Let the games begin!
This marks the first official release of Ruby's web gaming framework,
Gambit. Gambit was started in May of 2005 as a codefest project
between James Edward Gray II and Greg Brown.
What is Gambit?
Gambit is a pure Ruby framework for building Web games. Gambit can
manage player accounts and game hosting and ships with a wide
assortment of game design tools. With Gambit, developers can write
the game specific code and launch.
What's new in this release?
Everything, of course. Gambit is brand new!
Seriously, Gambit is still evolving, so use these early releases
*knowing* things will change. The controller is the area still in
the greatest state of flux as we finish implementing the basics and
squash bugs. Because of that, we've purposefully not documented it
yet. It's our number one priority for the second release though, so
stay tuned.
On a more helpful note, the model and view layers are far enough
along to be considered beta and we wanted to get those out to those
who have been patiently waiting for them. Luckily, these are totally
usable today for making games in any medium from command-line
applications to Rails programs. These layers are also completely
documented, ahead of schedule.
If you would like to learn more, please look into the documentation,
unit tests and examples in the source distribution.
Where can I learn more?
Gambit is hosted on RubyForge.
Project page: http://rubyforge.org/projects/gambit/
Documentation: http://gambit.rubyforge.org/
Downloads: http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=509&release_id=2915
How do I get Gambit?
Gambit is a gem, so as long as you have RubyGems installed it's as
simple as:
$ sudo gem install gambit
If you need to install RubyGems, you can download it from:
Gambit can also be installed manually. Just download the latest
release and follow the instructions in INSTALL:
James Edward Gray II
Greg Brown
Let the games begin!
This marks the first official release of Ruby's web gaming framework,
Gambit. Gambit was started in May of 2005 as a codefest project
between James Edward Gray II and Greg Brown.
What is Gambit?
Gambit is a pure Ruby framework for building Web games. Gambit can
manage player accounts and game hosting and ships with a wide
assortment of game design tools. With Gambit, developers can write
the game specific code and launch.
What's new in this release?
Everything, of course. Gambit is brand new!
Seriously, Gambit is still evolving, so use these early releases
*knowing* things will change. The controller is the area still in
the greatest state of flux as we finish implementing the basics and
squash bugs. Because of that, we've purposefully not documented it
yet. It's our number one priority for the second release though, so
stay tuned.
On a more helpful note, the model and view layers are far enough
along to be considered beta and we wanted to get those out to those
who have been patiently waiting for them. Luckily, these are totally
usable today for making games in any medium from command-line
applications to Rails programs. These layers are also completely
documented, ahead of schedule.
If you would like to learn more, please look into the documentation,
unit tests and examples in the source distribution.
Where can I learn more?
Gambit is hosted on RubyForge.
Project page: http://rubyforge.org/projects/gambit/
Documentation: http://gambit.rubyforge.org/
Downloads: http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=509&release_id=2915
How do I get Gambit?
Gambit is a gem, so as long as you have RubyGems installed it's as
simple as:
$ sudo gem install gambit
If you need to install RubyGems, you can download it from:
Gambit can also be installed manually. Just download the latest
release and follow the instructions in INSTALL:
James Edward Gray II
Greg Brown