In cooperation with the rest of the RubyInstaller team I'm pleased to
announce the release of the first version ofgem-exefy gem.
gem-exefy version 1.0.0 has been released!
* GitHub repository: <http://github.com/bosko/gem-exefy>
GemExefy is RubyGems plugin aimed to replace batch files (.bat) with
executables with the same name. This gem will work only on
RubyInstaller Ruby installation and it requires RubyInstaller DevKit.
Reason for such replaceming batch files with executable stubs is
twofold. When execution of batch file is interrupted with Ctrl-C key
combination, user is faced with the confusing question
"Terminate batch job (Y/N)?"
which is avoided after replacement.
Second reason is appearance of processes in Task manager (or Process
Explorer). In the case of batch files all processes are visible as
ruby.exe. In order to distinguish between them, program arguments must
be examined. In addition, having one process name makes it hard to
define firewall rules. Having executable versions instead of batch
files will facilitate process identification in task list as well as
defining firewall rules. Moreover it makes it possible to create
selective firewall rules for different Ruby gems. Installing Ruby
applications as Windows services should be also much easer when
executable stub is used instead of batch file.
### 1.0.0 / 2012-06-25
* 1 major enhancement
* Birthday!
Boško Ivanišević
announce the release of the first version ofgem-exefy gem.
gem-exefy version 1.0.0 has been released!
* GitHub repository: <http://github.com/bosko/gem-exefy>
GemExefy is RubyGems plugin aimed to replace batch files (.bat) with
executables with the same name. This gem will work only on
RubyInstaller Ruby installation and it requires RubyInstaller DevKit.
Reason for such replaceming batch files with executable stubs is
twofold. When execution of batch file is interrupted with Ctrl-C key
combination, user is faced with the confusing question
"Terminate batch job (Y/N)?"
which is avoided after replacement.
Second reason is appearance of processes in Task manager (or Process
Explorer). In the case of batch files all processes are visible as
ruby.exe. In order to distinguish between them, program arguments must
be examined. In addition, having one process name makes it hard to
define firewall rules. Having executable versions instead of batch
files will facilitate process identification in task list as well as
defining firewall rules. Moreover it makes it possible to create
selective firewall rules for different Ruby gems. Installing Ruby
applications as Windows services should be also much easer when
executable stub is used instead of batch file.
### 1.0.0 / 2012-06-25
* 1 major enhancement
* Birthday!
Boško Ivanišević