Chris Shea
I'm pleased to announce version 0.1 of my little aggressive spelling
corrector for irb.
sudo gem install guessmethod
And live the life!
-- an irb session:
003:0> Strin.tos
attention: replacing non-existant constant Strin with String for
attention: sending to_s instead of tos to String:Class
This is not for production! And it's not for Rails either. It kills
Rails. Until I figure out how to make GuessMethod not kill Rails, it
will kill Rails (and anything else that uses method_missing
That being said, I use it all the time. My irb sessions are full of
pretty messages and corrected typos.
corrector for irb.
sudo gem install guessmethod
And live the life!
-- an irb session:
003:0> Strin.tos
attention: replacing non-existant constant Strin with String for
attention: sending to_s instead of tos to String:Class
This is not for production! And it's not for Rails either. It kills
Rails. Until I figure out how to make GuessMethod not kill Rails, it
will kill Rails (and anything else that uses method_missing
That being said, I use it all the time. My irb sessions are full of
pretty messages and corrected typos.