James Edward Gray II
HighLine 0.6.1 Released
This release should fix the Windows install issue.
I decided against using two separate gems. That doesn't sound
comfortable for me, or the users. (Windows users would need to
remember to install highline-win to get a working copy? Yuck.)
Instead, I've disabled the termios dependancy in the gem. HighLine
is unaffected by this change, since it has always been able to run
without it. We've just shifted termios from a "dependancy" to an
"optional extra" (recommended for Unix users). Those of you who want
to use it just need to make the additional install and HighLine will
switch over.
The INSTALL documentation has been updated to reflect this change.
I plan to revisit this issue if/when RubyGems gives me better control
over install dependancies.
My apologies to the Windows users who struggled with the last release.
If anyone uses this, feedback is welcome
([email protected]). We do have a TODO list of features we
would like to add, but we're also open to suggestions.
What is HighLine?
(from the README)
HighLine was designed to ease the tedious tasks of doing console
input and output with low-level methods like gets() and puts().
HighLine provides a robust system for requesting data from a user,
without needing to code all the error checking and validation rules
and without needing to convert the typed Strings into what your
program really needs. Just tell HighLine what you're after, and let
it do all the work.
What's new in this release?
* Removed termios dependancy in gem, to fix Windows' install.
Where can I learn more?
HighLine is hosted on RubyForge.
Project page: http://rubyforge.org/projects/highline/
Documentation: http://highline.rubyforge.org/
Downloads: http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=683
How do I get HighLine?
HighLine is a gem, so as long as you have RubyGems installed it's as
simple as:
$ sudo gem install highline
If you need to install RubyGems, you can download it from:
HighLine will take advantage of the termios library, if installed.
This is a recommended optional extra for Unix users. To add that
gem, simply:
$ sudo gem install termios
HighLine can also be installed manually. Just download the latest
release and follow the instructions in INSTALL:
James Edward Gray II
Greg Brown
This release should fix the Windows install issue.
I decided against using two separate gems. That doesn't sound
comfortable for me, or the users. (Windows users would need to
remember to install highline-win to get a working copy? Yuck.)
Instead, I've disabled the termios dependancy in the gem. HighLine
is unaffected by this change, since it has always been able to run
without it. We've just shifted termios from a "dependancy" to an
"optional extra" (recommended for Unix users). Those of you who want
to use it just need to make the additional install and HighLine will
switch over.
The INSTALL documentation has been updated to reflect this change.
I plan to revisit this issue if/when RubyGems gives me better control
over install dependancies.
My apologies to the Windows users who struggled with the last release.
If anyone uses this, feedback is welcome
([email protected]). We do have a TODO list of features we
would like to add, but we're also open to suggestions.
What is HighLine?
(from the README)
HighLine was designed to ease the tedious tasks of doing console
input and output with low-level methods like gets() and puts().
HighLine provides a robust system for requesting data from a user,
without needing to code all the error checking and validation rules
and without needing to convert the typed Strings into what your
program really needs. Just tell HighLine what you're after, and let
it do all the work.
What's new in this release?
* Removed termios dependancy in gem, to fix Windows' install.
Where can I learn more?
HighLine is hosted on RubyForge.
Project page: http://rubyforge.org/projects/highline/
Documentation: http://highline.rubyforge.org/
Downloads: http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=683
How do I get HighLine?
HighLine is a gem, so as long as you have RubyGems installed it's as
simple as:
$ sudo gem install highline
If you need to install RubyGems, you can download it from:
HighLine will take advantage of the termios library, if installed.
This is a recommended optional extra for Unix users. To add that
gem, simply:
$ sudo gem install termios
HighLine can also be installed manually. Just download the latest
release and follow the instructions in INSTALL:
James Edward Gray II
Greg Brown