Jan Lelis
Irbtools 1.0.0 has been released. Irbtools is a meta gem that installs
useful irb gems and configures your irb. It's easy to use and much more
fun than a vanilla irb .
This latest release focused on decreasing the annoying start-up time
caused by loading too much libraries, so it offers multiple loading
methods, including autoload and threads.
The default set of gems includes
* hirb <http://tagaholic.me/2009/03/13/hirb-irb-on-the-good-stuff.html>
* wirb <https://github.com/janlelis/wirb/>
* fancy_irb <https://github.com/janlelis/fancy_irb>
* awesome_print <https://github.com/michaeldv/awesome_print>
* interactive_editor <https://github.com/jberkel/interactive_editor>
* ori <https://github.com/dadooda/ori>
* clipboard <https://github.com/janlelis/clipboard>
* methodfinder <https://github.com/citizen428/methodfinder>
...and more
Check it out at https://github.com/janlelis/irbtools
By the way, thanks to all irbtools users for using it
useful irb gems and configures your irb. It's easy to use and much more
fun than a vanilla irb .
This latest release focused on decreasing the annoying start-up time
caused by loading too much libraries, so it offers multiple loading
methods, including autoload and threads.
The default set of gems includes
* hirb <http://tagaholic.me/2009/03/13/hirb-irb-on-the-good-stuff.html>
* wirb <https://github.com/janlelis/wirb/>
* fancy_irb <https://github.com/janlelis/fancy_irb>
* awesome_print <https://github.com/michaeldv/awesome_print>
* interactive_editor <https://github.com/jberkel/interactive_editor>
* ori <https://github.com/dadooda/ori>
* clipboard <https://github.com/janlelis/clipboard>
* methodfinder <https://github.com/citizen428/methodfinder>
...and more
Check it out at https://github.com/janlelis/irbtools
By the way, thanks to all irbtools users for using it