why the lucky stiff
MouseHole is a scriptable web proxy. Alter the Web with Ruby. Host
your own little applications. Install scripts off the web as you surf.
That kind of thing.
A screenshot and discussion is here:
Here's the MouseHole phone book:
* Download MouseHole 1.2:
* Windows installer
(No Ruby required.)
* Source zip
(Ruby, yaml, dbm, rexml libraries required.)
* Source tarball
(Ruby, yaml, dbm, rexml libraries required.)
* My own MouseHole scripts. <http://whytheluckystiff.net/mouseHole/>
* The MouseHole wiki. <http://mousehole.rubyforge.org>
* Mailing list is mousehole-scripters
My soup and my spoons thank you. And I eat soup with spoons, may that
be enough thanks for the remainder of you.
your own little applications. Install scripts off the web as you surf.
That kind of thing.
A screenshot and discussion is here:
Here's the MouseHole phone book:
* Download MouseHole 1.2:
* Windows installer
(No Ruby required.)
* Source zip
(Ruby, yaml, dbm, rexml libraries required.)
* Source tarball
(Ruby, yaml, dbm, rexml libraries required.)
* My own MouseHole scripts. <http://whytheluckystiff.net/mouseHole/>
* The MouseHole wiki. <http://mousehole.rubyforge.org>
* Mailing list is mousehole-scripters
My soup and my spoons thank you. And I eat soup with spoons, may that
be enough thanks for the remainder of you.