Mirek Fidler
We would like to introduce the NTL, "Nonstandard Template Library", at
NTL is meant as either extension or even replacement for STL. We believe
that NTL provides significantly better productivity and performance over
NTL was created to solve following problems we used to encounter when
Copy-constructible requirements
STL requires the elements stored in containers to meet the requirements
copy-constructible and assignable types. This causes two problems:
- Elements that do not satisfy these requirements cannot be directly
in STL containers.
- For many types of elements, including STL containers themselves,
copy-constructor and assign operator is a very expensive
operation, that is why often they cannot be stored in STL containers
NTL addresses this problem by introducing Vector and Array flavors of
containers (www.ntllib.org/overview.html, www.ntllib.org/moveable.html).
Value transfer
Content of STL containers can be transfered only using expensive
constructor/assigment operator. This causes performance problems
when using STL containers as function return values, but lack of better
functionality is missing elsewhere too. NTL provides transfer semantics
concepts to deal with this problem. (www.ntllib.org/pick.html)
Random access and random access notation
STL uses iterators as the preferred way how to access and identify
in containers. While this is generally the most generic way, real-life
problems often require or at least benefit from random access using
NTL provides fast random access to all kinds of containers and NTL
interfaces prefer notation using indices. As a side effect, NTL user can
completely avoid using iterators in favor of indices, which in current
results in much simpler and less verbose syntax (using modern optimizing
compilers there is no difference in performance).
A completely new type of associative container, Index, is introduced, as
ideal building block for all kinds of associative operations.
Algorithm requirements
Requirements of STL algorithms are very loosely defined. NTL tries to
provide more specific requirements and also minimal ones. This allows
direct sorting of Array of polymorphic elements.
Minor improvements
There are also some minor improvements like
- Besides reserve present in STL, NTL provides also Shrink method to
minimize a container's memory consumption.
- Iterators can be assigned a NULL value.
- Associative containers are based on hashing to provide better
Utility classes and functions are provided to support building correct
hashing functions.
NTL is meant as either extension or even replacement for STL. We believe
that NTL provides significantly better productivity and performance over
NTL was created to solve following problems we used to encounter when
Copy-constructible requirements
STL requires the elements stored in containers to meet the requirements
copy-constructible and assignable types. This causes two problems:
- Elements that do not satisfy these requirements cannot be directly
in STL containers.
- For many types of elements, including STL containers themselves,
copy-constructor and assign operator is a very expensive
operation, that is why often they cannot be stored in STL containers
NTL addresses this problem by introducing Vector and Array flavors of
containers (www.ntllib.org/overview.html, www.ntllib.org/moveable.html).
Value transfer
Content of STL containers can be transfered only using expensive
constructor/assigment operator. This causes performance problems
when using STL containers as function return values, but lack of better
functionality is missing elsewhere too. NTL provides transfer semantics
concepts to deal with this problem. (www.ntllib.org/pick.html)
Random access and random access notation
STL uses iterators as the preferred way how to access and identify
in containers. While this is generally the most generic way, real-life
problems often require or at least benefit from random access using
NTL provides fast random access to all kinds of containers and NTL
interfaces prefer notation using indices. As a side effect, NTL user can
completely avoid using iterators in favor of indices, which in current
results in much simpler and less verbose syntax (using modern optimizing
compilers there is no difference in performance).
A completely new type of associative container, Index, is introduced, as
ideal building block for all kinds of associative operations.
Algorithm requirements
Requirements of STL algorithms are very loosely defined. NTL tries to
provide more specific requirements and also minimal ones. This allows
direct sorting of Array of polymorphic elements.
Minor improvements
There are also some minor improvements like
- Besides reserve present in STL, NTL provides also Shrink method to
minimize a container's memory consumption.
- Iterators can be assigned a NULL value.
- Associative containers are based on hashing to provide better
Utility classes and functions are provided to support building correct
hashing functions.