George Sakkis
I am pleased to announce papyros-0.2, the second alpha release of
papyros: http://code.google.com/p/papyros/.
Compared to the initial release 14 months ago, only the basic goal has
remained the same; both the API and the internals have been thoroughly
revamped. Some of the highlights are:
- As simple as it gets: for most purposes, the API is reduced to a
single method ("dispatcher.execute(tasks)").
- Easier task definition.
- (Optional) ordered task execution and chunksize (inspired from
- A distributed group can now handle concurrently more than one
independent task sequences: enables serving multiple clients.
- Several bug fixes and performance improvements.
papyros: http://code.google.com/p/papyros/.
Compared to the initial release 14 months ago, only the basic goal has
remained the same; both the API and the internals have been thoroughly
revamped. Some of the highlights are:
- As simple as it gets: for most purposes, the API is reduced to a
single method ("dispatcher.execute(tasks)").
- Easier task definition.
- (Optional) ordered task execution and chunksize (inspired from
- A distributed group can now handle concurrently more than one
independent task sequences: enables serving multiple clients.
- Several bug fixes and performance improvements.